A Few Of My Concerns

in politics •  5 years ago 

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So it seems like humanity is adrift in misconception.
It seems to be a persistent problem.

Empires have come and gone. Nation has battled Nation.
The ordinary person is used like a pawn in the affairs of their administrators. Life has gotten awful cheap in recent times.

Once life was a struggle with nature. And really not much has changed.
The forces of birth, death, disease, and old age are never much abated and never eliminated.

What does it all mean?
There is a dude sitting here in 2019 and there are real issues in the world.

The struggles that affected the lives of the people described in the various religious scriptures are not the same as the ones that effect the world today. There are brand new challenges that require still newer solutions.

Meanwhile the Nations of the world are advancing in technology at a terrifying pace. Technology is officially poised to render humanity as we know it obsolete and no one is putting on the brakes. There are hardly even any voices of decent against allowing the technology to render us obsolete. How is this likely to happen?

Well… we are advancing computer technology to the point that it is as humanlike as a human being only vastly more competent in processing data and accessing information. They are doing cloning and advancing in cyborg technology so a technological fusion with flesh is certainly being attempted and has probably already progressed quite far. The richest in money on the planet are doing much private research and experimentation on life extension, cloning, and flesh / technology fusion.

Weapons have been produced that are quite hideous in all their ramifications.

Those in charge of global administration appear to be completely morally bankrupt. It is not a good situation because they wield nearly absolute power.

The people in general are no closer to discerning the ramifications of their cell / pen / prison because no one is furnishing any actual data regarding the subject enmass. A few here and there are easy to call kooks, nuts, crazy, insane, etc. Discrediting the truth is a fulltime occupation in the Government.

How ironic is that?

People are largely failing to learn the lessons of history and thus are doomed to repeat them.

Something fundamentally twisted and wrong is occurring.
Altogether too much power has been invested in altogether too few people’s hands.

The system is largely a behemoth of despair crushing and grinding people’s lives into nothingness in an extensive endeavor to suck out people’s souls for a “profit” and extending the extent of the wicked people’s illicit control.

The basic concept is that each person is nothing but a tool and a slave to be used and exploited and then thrown away when broken. The entire system is geared to reinforcing this reality.

The system teaches us to value money, to dick one another over for a profit, to devour and exploit on a smaller microcosmic level as the controllers do. After being bossed around for a quarter to half a century a person wants to boss other people around in turn. The slaves enforce and police the slaves.

From birth, the documents our parents sign begin a government contract negotiating the life of a child, to the vaccines, to the gross GMO pesticide laden food, to the mind control educational system, to the basic foundations of slavery in the financial system (fractional reserve banking, fiat currency, interest and usury), to the legal system which dominates all the people and forces them to obey in a language that the people are not educated in, to the police who must use violence to enforce to law, to the military that forces other nations to obey their bidding, to the industry that will pollute and devastate the environment as long as there is no one to force them not to, to the energy complex that refuses to adopt better cleaner alternatives, to the bond that matures when we die the very foundations of society teach us to live a lie.

It sucks that society is twain with so many deceptions. Its quite the Celtic Knot of pushes and pulls and paradoxes and deeply sad things.

The Nation is run by The Mob. Or rather the same people who run the world conduct themselves as mobsters and fund the various Mobs itself. What is a “Mob”? A group of thugs willing to kill and torture and extort and exploit for personal gain often with deep family lineage ties often involved with lots of dirty money. Basically they can brutalize anyone into doing anything or else the mob will torture or kill one or one’s family. They traffic in lots of illegal things including slaves and drugs. The best thing to do is to never interact with them and never do business with them.

However in this case The Mob is The Government and they interject themselves into everyone’s lives via “taxes”. It is nearly impossible to transact in money and to use money to live without becoming implicated in helping to fund the activities of this Mob, this Government.

How fascinating. How sad. How can “life” be under the jurisdiction of people who are such an embodiment of wickedness? Life itself is being squatted upon by the evilest of undead trolls who are demanding a toll for crossing the bridge. Everything is being absorbed and siphoned off into the coffers of these wicked people who then use the wealth to further conduct their evil ways, it is astonishing and quite awful.

The wholesale mindwashing and subsequent enslavement of society.

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