Campaign Finance Reform

in politics •  5 years ago 

Here is an idea for a master fix, that enables many other fixes: a radical change in how we finance both political campaigns and political lobbying.

The ONLY source for funding political campaigns and lobbying would be as follows:

Each citizen would get a $120 a year grant from the US Treasury that would go into a special bank account operated by the Treasury. The citizen holder of such funds could distribute them either to candidates or issue advocates (lobbyists) or to intermediaries who would aggregate funds and then distribute. Examples of aggregators could include the current and startup political parties and issue advocates like Sierra Club and the

While some decry "money in politics" I think that's a mistake. Money is useful because it's continuous in both quantity and time so that the flow of political money provides a real-time way to gain leverage from the popularity of one's political or issue program.

It's BIG Money that is the problem. Where those with great financial means have much louder voices than those without. Under this program, every citizen from a homeless person to zillionaires would have the
same ability to impact the political process via money.

No longer would politics be an extension of the world of Finance and Big Business but could return to its natural role as a countervailing force that represents the "will of the people".

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That's actually a really good idea. I think it's a very democratic approach that facilitates the "will of the people." Rather then large corporation and special interest groups controlling political campaigns and the political sphere in general, the people would gain control over it. That makes a lot more sense in my opinion.

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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

So true, its important we ensure that money has balanced weight for everyone. Correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds a bit like steemit, except on a national political scale.