in politics •  7 years ago 

(Photo credit to: ALGNEWS.org) Here's my .05 cents on the whole DEM vs REP issue currently making headlines. The memo folks have been crying to be released reared its ugly head last week; the infamous Nunez Memo. So, it opened the eyes of many, but there are DEMs who are still in denial. Many news outlets reported, and even those in government, have made it clear that BOTH sides have redacted what needed to be, to take the memo from a 'classified' document to an 'unclassified' document. So why are the DEMs still crying fowl, and why do their supporters continue to worship the ground of those can't-do-no-wrong representatives of theirs? How much more proof do you need that the shady-establishment, called the Democratic Party, is pulling their constituents legs? I don't have the answers, but I do believe it's lack of credible research on their part. Here are some tips DEMs: 1) Go to YouTube and search for speeches your leaders have made concerning illegal immigration, border control, things they have promised you; 2) Stop watching/reading biased news; 3) Do your own research. Here are some examples: a) what happened to the women who accused Trump of sexual assaults? b) The Russia investigation has been going on for a year, but nothing has been produced that proves collusion. c) Why do 'scandals' only materialize during campaigns or reelections, as in the case of Alabama's Roy Moore, and what happened to those women? d) Here's a tough one; why are so many celebrities hell-bent on siding with the DEMs and turning our TV viewing into a war of words, making everything political? Could it be that being on a side that's currently 'popular' is also 'popular' for their image? Could it be that they speak to and are role models to the younger generation; the ones who are spending money on their 'products'? So I will ask again, who is really crazy? There is a cure, and its called 'knowledge'! Educate yourself in a non-biased fashion, and you too can get off the DEMs crazy train!The-End-Pelosi-NRD-600-wLogog.jpg

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