Debate Terrorism

in politics •  7 years ago 

Hallo fellow steemers, How are you all doing?

Today I need your guys help with a school assignment. In a couple of days, I need to hold a debate with a classmate on Terrorism the Statement sounds: Is it justified to torture terrorists?

What do you guys think about this statement and are you for or against it?
These are some arguments I have For and Against the statement.


  • Protection of democracy and national security is more important than human rights in this case.

  • The state needs information to save people's lives. Torture is an effective method to get this information.


  • Torture is contrary to Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: "Nobody will be subjected to torture, nor to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment."

  • It is meaningless to fight violence with violence. Then we slide to the same level as terrorist.

Please make sure to tell me how you guys think about this and if you have some more arguments let me known down below.

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Against: A torturer can get anybody to say anything. So it's not possible to have any confidence in the information obtained. It has to be confirmed by some other objective information.

On the other hand, there is excellent proof that doing the opposite of torture will produce excellent information. The Germans had an interrogator during WWII who got excellent information out of Allied POWs. He found as many facts as he could about the POW before the first session started. Then he would ask the prisoner politely for the information he already knew. If the prisoner gave it, he showed great pleasure, and thanked them profusely, and asked if there was anything he could do for them. Then he would try to give them what they asked for.

If they lied to him, he would show them the evidence he had and tell them he was very disappointed in them. Tell them they had no reason to lie to him. And leave them. At the end of the day they would be escorted back to their barracks, but aside from maybe missing a meal, nothing bad happened to them.

Each prisoner soon learned that the interrogator already knew the answers to the questions they were being asked, and that if they told the truth, they would be rewarded.

And the interrogator made sure the word got around! For example, he found out that one US pilot really loved the German fighter planes and that before being captured the prisoner had said he wished he could fly one. So after cultivating the prisoner over a period of time, the interrogator finally asked him how bad he wanted to fly a German fighter. And then he said, "I think I can make that happen, if you will tell me what's really going on with [something important that he only knew pieces of]. When the prisoner gave the whole story, as much as knew, the interrogator took him out and let him fly a German fighter plane. The pilot came back.

The moral of this story is that history and experience have proven that treating a person well will get you a lot more good information than treating them badly.

On the other hand, if all you really want is some "evidence" to give the public so they will buy your propaganda about having to [say, get rid of Assad], then torture is the way to go. You can get any confession you want, and you can bolster your propaganda with a constant stream of "evidence."

I haven't heard that story before really cool, But the guy used an interesting tactic but I think this take's a long time to execute because you have to make the prisoners trust you. And when there is a terrorist attack going down I don't think they have so much time to invest before interrogating for the information they really need instead what they already know to check them if they are not lying.

As long as the government can keep all of us thinking that way, they can keep us going the direction they want. As in George Orwell's novel, 1984.

Yes, the government brain washes people with false information to better them self so that they are not seen as the bad guys.

This is something I have also struggled with and I have come to this: no, it's not ok under any circumstances.

People for it generally argue for a fictitious situation that is black and white. Kill one, save a thousand. In theory that sounds great.

To believe something in theory and implement it in practice can seem be opposite at times.

Assuming that situation is black and white. What information is getting discovered? Is it, where's Osama bin Ladin? ISIS HQ? Let's say that information is discovered. The west goes in and kills the one to save a thousand. What's the fallout?

First, you make the terrorist a martyr. In Islam, this is just like a catholic sainthood/canonizing. Then, their role will/can just be replaced. Think of the mythical hydra here. Not exactly a 1 for 2, but definitely a possibility. Lastly, these groups will not be disuaded or thwarted by a single instance. There would need to be a missive amount of high level people that would be torture-able.

Many of them have done bad things according to western ideals. But most importantly it's what torture does to the torturer.

Again, the administration of torture affects the torture more; bc it only takes a small series of bad events for the torturer (or the people group they represent) to become the new terrorist(s).

Final note, the world is never black and white. My second favorite Samuel Clemens quote is "Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't." Nearly any society that seeks to guide people to some sort of utopia never truest actualizes. Instead, it produces a dystopian nightmare.

Once you become a minority, then you are an outsider. Outsiders can been seen as threats. Therefore, as a minority you can become a threat.

I also think it's not oke to torture people and it also makes us seem weak because we are also violent then as we lower or standards to the same level as the terrorists that uses violence to scare people or put pressure on politics.

"The state needs information to save people's lives"

Replace "lives" with "souls" and there you have something that noone expects. Graph_NobodyExpects (1).jpg