NEW CLINTON STATE DEPT EMAILS - Strange References to Rothschild's "Penance"? Clinton's "Hits"?

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

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The U.S. Department of State today released a new batch of deleted emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, including heavily redacted correspondence between several Clinton allies including Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, and Lynn de Rothschild among others.

Some possible highlights from the newly released documents include:

One mysterious document with the label "Secretary Clinton's Greatest Hits" has no apparent date, sender, or recipient. With the page below left entirely blank, it is unclear whether the messages content's have been redacted, or left intentionally blank as a possible inside joke at Clinton's expense? More ominously, other's have even suggested the message could be a code about a potential 'hit list' in reference to the rumored Clinton body count made of political opponents.

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Another user had highlighted this email, showing Clinton directing her own State Department staff on which (potentially secret) email address to use in contacting Sidney Blumenthal, who was at that time banned from working in the department. More recently, in February of 2018 Trey Gowdy said that Blumenthal was also one of the sources Christopher Steele used in gathering information for the controversial dossier used by opposition against President Trump.

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Another message released today shows an interesting correspondence between Hillary, Tony Blair, and Lynn de Rothschild. Where Hillary asks for Rothschild's forgiveness for Tony Blair missing a scheduled event, Hillary then goes on to ask Lynn de Rothschild, "Let me know what penance I owe you."

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The remaining documents are available on the State Department website here:*&caseNumber=F-2016-07895

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Upvoted and resteemed! More excellent research!

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