RE: Fighting For Kids w/ Craig 'Sawman' Sawyer

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Fighting For Kids w/ Craig 'Sawman' Sawyer

in politics •  6 years ago 

You're right about almost everything... except that the VOP stumbled across a part of the huge govt. sponsored network you talk about. And they're going to pay the price for not keeping quiet about it. They're going to get slammed every time they open their mouths, by people like Craig "Pipeline" Sawyer.

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Fair point and this could very well be a separate aspect of the real story. I need to do some more digging into Veterans on Patrol to understand their history and activities better. I also unfortunately know that there are sometimes sketchy leadership backgrounds and/or infiltration of many of these groups that were initially joined by many with very good intentions. As an example, I've seen some very sketchy backgrounds in Oath Keepers in the past and therefore all such groups must also be kept under close scrutiny.

(I couldn't help but drop Trump's key mentor in as well..)

Let me save you a couple of steps. Veterans on Patrol are homeless veterans, guys that fell through the cracks that are out every day trying to find other homeless vets and get them off the street. That's how they stumbled across the sex camp. They refuse donations of money, they'll take supplies but that's all.

I'm about to do a post exposing Craig "Strawman" Sawyer for the fraud he is.

Thanks very much for the clarification. That's good to know. Clearly they are not there for the money or some other reason then. This leaves the source of the corruption with the police as well as with self-promoters like Sawyer that are working to destroy evidence as well as make money off it in the process.

That's what it looks like to me... and it should be me thanking you for all the information- so thank you! I was suspicious when his org pulled out so quickly. A vet NEVER leaves a brother with his ass hanging out in the wind. They couldn't get out of there fast enough.

Sure, I'm always happy to provide insights wherever I can. We all need to do our individual part to bring the pieces together, create a big picture understanding, and expose the top level Luciferian powerbrokers behind these demonic activities. Only then can we truly have a chance at stopping it to a significant degree.

Besides linear warfare (which I really enjoyed by the way) They make the crimes so vast and convoluted that you practically kill yourself running down all of the pieces. When Pizzagate broke I started investigating- I've been researching the Clintons since the early 90's in college) and found the crimes opening up like some huge perverse flower. Pedos to child trafficking to SRA to major NGO's to the govt to...

It never ends, this is so big and pervasive and the crimes are so diverse. I just try to focus on one issue at a time and hope people can connect the dots.

It's difficult to track all of it, I know. This is why I try to focus as well, but typically on the higher end issues, leading groups / networks, leading individuals, and their hidden histories. (And I don't mean just the obvious ones like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.) I want to see that the top end of the Luciferian food chain is brought out into public awareness rather than just the pawns or the typically named elite families.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I just take stuff as I find it. A big part of the problem is centered in the UK with Tavistock Institute and their American Brethren the CFR... They're behind MK Ultra and other forms of trauma based mind control. Michael Maccoby along with Erich Fromm (Frankfurt School) did Trauma based mind control experiments throughout Central America/Mexico for the CIA. Maccoby is a friend and defender of James Alefantis and his son Max is his lawyer and both are on the board of Laura Silsby's group... This is just one little part and you can see how convoluted it's getting. The more you dig the deeper and wider the rabbit hole becomes!