Justine Trudeau, that sneaky little...

in politics •  7 years ago 

So last election here in Canada we elected a little communist potato named Justine Trudeau. It was the perfect storm for his climb to power. Our last Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, was so hated and despised that our country would have elected Castro instead of him. And we did.
"We" elected a dipshit that lauded and praised Fidal Castro when he died. It was shocking and embarrassing for Canada to have our "leader" giving Castro a ringing endorsement for all of his fine work. Stealing property from his people, killing his people, and making Cuba a communist hell hole to live in. But not for the people who vacation there. They drop money in his country and are treated much better than the people who live there. But most of us know what Castro was. A dictator.

So Trudeau gets in and seems to have no idea how to run a country. And why would we be surprised with that? He was once a ski instructor, a drama teacher and a full time trust fund brat. It shouldn't surprise anyone that he would be dancing in the streets with the Pride march one day, and then a week later be sitting with the Saudis making deals with people that would stone those same marchers to death.

Then there is the Motion 103 because there are some people in parliament who think that too many people have a problem with Islam. They think that Canadians are using "hate speech" when we talk about them. Hate speech should not be a thing. Our freedom of speech is being taken away because of people's hurt feelings.
Now, when people say something insulting, or something you perceive to be insulting and make you feel bad, they will be charged with an offence if M 103 becomes law.

We see what is happening in Universities across North America. How no one from the right is allowed to talk at colleges because of "hate speech". But tell me... Who decides what is and isn't hate speech? Now there's a slippery slope.
So if this bill becomes law, and I have an issue with our country allowing Sharia law to be used in parts of Canada, I will be charged as a bigot and a racist. Hmmmm. And because I think that people from other countries should assimilate and not try to bring in laws that made their country a 13th century hell hole, I'm a racist. And because I think it is wrong to force women to cover their faces along with every other part of their body except their eyes, I'm a bigot. And because I think it is wrong that women have to ask a man's permission to go shopping or walking alone or....anything. That's right. I am evil.


But let's go back to how Trudeau got elected. The millennials were tricked into actually going out to vote for him because he told them he would legalize pot. And they believed him! He ran on legalizing it and won because of it.
Now the sneaky part. Since he got in power, more people have been busted for pot than ever. Everyone thought that since he said it would be legal everyone could just chill and smoke pot without a worry. WRONG!!!
But he says there is a chance it will be done before the next election. Now isn't that precious... And then he can fool the millennials into voting him in a second time for legalizing pot. Classic Trudeau. And by legalizing it he means if you get caught with 30 grams, you are good to go. But if you have 31 grams, well now we have a problem. You are going to be charged and possibly go to prison. If you grow 4 plants, no problem. But if you have 5 plants? Uh oh. Could be prison time again.

They could just decriminalize it and be done with it but nope, government can't make money off of that. And that's the push.

The Canadian government is running out of things to tax and pot is ripe for the taking. But until then...round em up and throw them in jail! That sneaky little communist. We have to get him out of Ottawa. Before it's too late...

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