in politics •  7 years ago 

As a baby boomer, I grew up in the 1960s when there was no political correctness. So there were jokes being told in school that would never be accepted in 2017. Like Italian jokes, Ukrainian jokes, Indian jokes and many more. But the Poles took the brunt of the jokes for some reason. There were "Pollack jokes" being told by kids in school all the time.

polish triggered.png

They seemed pretty tame by today's standards. How many Pollacks does it take to change a light bulb? Five. One to hold the bulb and 4 to spin the ladder around. Not really the kind of joke to trigger people back then. Actually getting triggered wasn't a thing back then. It either got a laugh or you got a smack in the back of the head.

Then we went on with our lives.

So the thought was that Polish people were not that smart. I never met a dumb Pollack that proved this kind of statement, but the jokes seemed to go on for years. And although these jokes were meant to be hurtful, they seemed like you could add in any nationality in these jokes and as kids, they were funny. Unless they were about you.

I was called the "N" word when I was young because I turned very dark every summer. I have native blood in me (Metis) but look to most people to be a white guy.

Back in 1967 being called this really didn't have much impact on me. "I know you are but what am I?" would usually be enough to stop the name calling if you said it about 20 times.

Now 50 years later I can see that the Polish jokes were obviously unfounded.

Beata Szidlo, the Prime Minister of Poland has been saying for over a year now that there would be no Muslim migrants allowed into Poland. She is apparently learning from the mistakes of Germany and France. She sees that those countries are finding out that a religion that does not want to assimilate with the rest of the host country will probably become a problem.

She sees that the above countries are becoming less safe, less happy and less in control of their own future. And she won't have any of it.

How many terror attacks in Poland? Zero. How many complaints about the Islamist insurgence? Zero. How many welfare checks going to immigrants who believe in Sharia law? Well you get the Idea.

So to all the baby boomers that remember when the Poles used to get the worst of the stupid jokes, we all need to give credit where credit is due. It seems that the Poles are at the top of the intellectual curve.

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Poland has not surrendered! The rest of the world could take a lesson.

Yup. You are correct my friend. It's all about leaning from others.

My friend, I of Polish blood drew this comic. Enjoy.

that's hilarious! well done my friend. thank you.

This is an excellent post robsigurdson, on many levels. I have up-voted and will be following. I think that there is a lot world governments along with the general population can learn from your post. SirKnight.

Now did I ever tell you about the Irishman who...

Thank you sir knight. Much appreciated.
Now I'll tell you the one about the Icelander and the...

Nice reply hehehe - resteemed this post as well! It very much falls under my banner of 'Freedom' Rob.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great post, I being Polish myself find that true, and like others I just have a laugh and shrug it off, sure it a bit offensive and gets old, but we have other things to do and take care off and not dwell what someone had said.

Following you and voted.

Thank you tomekkk. We have got to laugh and get on with it right? In the 60's we used to day "sticks and stone may break my bones but words with never hurt me." People are way too sensitive now. Thanks again.

Absolutely right, I think people are just to bored now days and have nothing better to do then be offended!

Indeed Beata Szydło Prime Minister of Poland is great leader.

Awesome to have someone with the fortitude to tell it like it is. Political correctness be damned.

I enjoyed this post and even laughed at the joke. I'm almost 40 but a Polish fireman here in the US told me my first joke around age 7 and you guessed it was a dumb Pollack joke. He asked me how does a Pollack put on his underwear in the morning? Yellow in front, brown in back. lol Yes political correctness has ruined society because if you can't laugh then you are sad.

I actually just laughed out loud reading this. Because I heard that one about 50 years ago. too funny. thanks for the reply and the laughs it supplied.

A Pollack, a big dumb retard, and a loudmouth walk into a bar. And that's just the first guy.... Suddenly the whole place smells like kielbasa farts.

LOL, I actually love Polish people. I've worked with and been friends with many of them over the years, and always enjoyed their company and their delicious food. Polish women are great-looking too...

And you're right, the Poles are looking a lot smarter than the Germans these days on the 'migrant' issue.

I put migrant in inverted commas because, as we both know, they're mostly people who are being be brought in by human traffickers on boats, sometimes by subsidized NGOs.

Great piece, Siggy! It's not dumb to want to keep jihadis out, that's for sure. And when you see footage of young, military age men marching into Germany by the thousands looking really angry, the Polish government seems pretty wise for taking this stance.