ZUCKERTARD Strikes Again!! - Another Greedy Socialist

in politics •  7 years ago 

It amazes me that people like Zuckerberg have the nerve to spout off about how others should live. The gazillionaire is now telling governments that they should pay everyone a living wage for...being alive. Why is it that mostly the elite rich,( that could take care of world hunger on their own without anybody else's money), want governments to pretty much become socialist and give all citizens free government money?


The left leaning liberal media has been amazingly quiet about Venezuela and the huge problems they have had with socialism. It is criminal that they would talk about the Russian crap and the poor transgender folk, but not explain to the country of millennials that Socialism doesn't work. That socialism always starts out great with everyone being taken care of by the wonderful loving government. Free health care. Free food and money for all that need it. It was Utopia.
But what happened to Venezuela, a country with huge oil reserves and natural resources? It was touted as a socialist utopia even 5 years ago. Why is there no food or clean water or even toilet paper. Socialism! Why is the government arming its own and actually killing its citizens? Socialism. Why did that same government disarm its citizens in June of 2012? Because they knew what was coming and knew that when the socialist regime came crashing down,(an inevitability), they definitely didn't want anyone shooting back at them.


So why then, are Universities in the US teaching their students that socialism is a good thing? Why are idiot millennials wearing communist t-shirts and Che Gueverra t-shirts? Because the professors in these universities have forgotten to teach their students that communism was responsible for 100,000,000 deaths in the last couple hundred years. Many of them from starvation but many were killed because they would not agree to being ruled over by a dictator. Either way it was evil at work, yet no one seems to know about it in college.

Our retard Prime Minister in Canada praised Fidel Castro as a great humanitarian and wonderful provider for Cuba. He obviously was on a holiday with Pierre when they talked about the evils of socialism in school. He forgot how Castro stole people's land and property for the greater good of Cuba. Oh, and he killed the ones that put up a fight. Killed them. There is a reason that Cubans drive 1950 Chevies. There is a reason that the best paid people in Cuba work at resort hotels. Even if they have gone to university and are qualified for better jobs. Jobs that pay less than the resorts. There is a reason that most still live in poverty. Socialism.


But Zuckerturd will step up to tell governments to give all people free money. Because its's all about feelings. And people should not feel like they should take care of themselves and theirs. They should rely on the government to take care of them. That way the government can tax the actual working people at ridiculous rates, making sure that anyone with an idea that could make huge profits, will never happen because why would you even try? Your ideas are the property of the government and only they can make money on it.

But like Venezuela and any other socialist regime, sooner or later you will run out of the other guy's money. And when they just print more money to fix it, (and they will) they make it worse and will in the end hit the wall hard.
The wonderful Utopia of socialism is always short lived and always ends badly. Usually starvation and turmoil are part of it. And a country that is in turmoil will need the of help of nations that were smart enough not to have a socialist society, But try and tell that to a college aged millennial. Good luck with that.

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If only this douchey billionaire understood basic economics or inflation. Derp.

I guess he is not coming to the 4th week of the


tonight LOL