The Reason we Lock our Doors

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

I always chuckle when these leftists shills for illegal invasion trot out the same tired accusations of racism and bigotry when the sane people amongst us merely ask to have the LAWS of our land enforced and our borders secured.

I have zero doubt that these same leftist shills lock the doors to their homes and would call the police quickly if an intruder entered. If the intruder refused to leave, would these same leftist shills want the police to remove them – regardless of their “color”?

I want the border enforced for the same reason you illegal invasion advocates lock your home. To keep those who do not belong and try to break in OUT!

I want our LAWS enforced because we are a nation of laws and those LAWS represent the values of American citizens.

It is not a racism thing. It’s a thing called the rule of law and national sovereignty and security. The rule of law is what makes our country better than the places these people are coming from where it is a free-for-all and criminal activity is a way of survival.

It is a poor excuse to say that these illegal invaders have gotten away with breaking the laws for so long that it’s a travesty to make them leave now. The REAL travesty here is that they were allowed to illegally enter in the first place, coupled by a second travesty that they were not kicked out sooner. It is never too late to correct a mistake like this. Round up the illegals and get them out. Send their country a bill for the things they have stolen from our house.

Your cries of racism are ridiculous. We’re simply sick and tired of being invaded and used by foreign illegal aliens that have zero respect for the rule of law, us, or our great country. We’re tired of paying for them at our expense – and yes they are a net expense. It’s fact, not conjecture that each illegal alien is a net loss to our economy for around $30,000 a year. Multiply that by the 20-30 MILLION of them that are here – not including the anchor babies they created that we also have to support.

I got into a debate with someone on another blog about how deporting 20-30 million illegal aliens from the US was the same as ethnic cleansing, which is ridiculous if you know anything about what ethnic cleansing really is (Think places like Somalia). I would turn that back around and say that 20-30 million foreigners illegally entering your country is nothing short of an invasion. A hostile take-over of our country by foreigners, which would be considered an act of war in many places.

It’s time to say NO to illegal invasion and start making the consequences real for everyone. The illegals, those that employ them, the politicians that aid and abet them, etc.

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I grew up in the San Joaquin Valley which is one of the largest agriculture producers in the world. A lot of the population migrates up and down the valley throughout the year. My question is that with all these children
that are meant to be dreamers living a lifestyle that does not allow one to better themselves, how are they are they going to contribute to our society in a positive way?

That is the problem. Aside from the whole pesky crossing the border illegally and living here illegally and taking up resources that are intended for Americans thing, many illegals have no interest in assimilating into our society. Over 1/3 of our prison population is foreign nationals, many of whom are here illegally. About 1/3 of welfare heads of household are illegal aliens collecting welfare for anchor babies.

This is costing American taxpayers a great deal of money. This is also the same reason that the politicians won't stop it. The politicians get millions of dollars in campaign donations to keep the illegal aliens flowing in.

Welfare has become a cottage industry in the US and those industries that provide all the goods and services to illegal aliens and their numerous children are making lots of money from having all these new "customers" flowing in. It is all paid for with our money, of course, and if we protest, we're called names like racist and bigot.


I completely agree with what you are saying. I found it very difficult growing up in California a young man of non-Mexican linage. I was often singled out and picked on for being the "white-boy" and this made life very difficult. Our schools were full of students who did not speak English and it was almost a requirement for teacher to teach in both languages.

I understand. It is as if we're being overrun and pushed out of our own country by foreign people who do not embrace the ideals that made this country great. Many are here to feed and breed from what others created and have no understanding or concern about our country and keeping it the wonderful and free place that it is.