What the bleep is going on in Sweden??

in politics •  8 years ago  (edited)

I suppose a lot of you have been following the refugees-situation in Europe the last couple of years, and for most people outside of Europe, and especially outside of those countries accepting the most refugees, it is hard to understand the mentality of those countries. I´ve been following this issue for many years, and I´m even married to an ex-swede, a refugee from the political correct Sweden so to to speak. So what the hell is going on? 

Sweden. We used to go there all the time as kids, since we live pretty close to the boarder. It was different, yet the same. We felt like escaped kings in this liberal country where you could actually buy firecrackers - unlike in Norway where it was and still is banned. The hamburgers were great, candy was king and cheap as hell. As we grew older we went over the boarder to buy protein powder, porn movies and cheap snus (smokeless tobacco). I realize as I write this that Sweden was our Mexico :) 

Here it is..the "Henhouse Agda".  I´m not going to go into detail, but let´s just say it was pretty akward to enter this house. It was sort of a "baptism". You HAD to enter..There were more "normal" places to buy porn movies in sweden in the late 90s, but a stop at Agda was not optional. 

Neutral liberal Sweden

Sweden did not participate in the second world war. They were neutral. And while its not difficult to understand Germans shame after the war, I suppose the same has been the case for Sweden. I´m not an historian nor do I blame them for being neutral. It´s impossible to put yourself in a situation like that. But whatever you as a person or a nation chose, you must live with the consequences. Even today a lot of germans are ashamed of what their government did 80 years ago. I know some germans, and they cringe if that topic comes up. We go easy on the nazi-jokes around them. But frankly I don´t care. I hardly blame most germans in that time either. Brainwashing, propaganda and well..governments doing what governments often do - turn their country into a hellhole. 

Feminists and progressives and...islam?

Sweden is also know for it´s feminist movement throughout the 60s and 70s and even more recently. They have a feminist party, and they brag about the first "feminist government". Ironically they seem to be the country that´s most keen on importing people from a patriarchal religion - Islam. Last time I went to Sweden (and it was the last time, except the occational trip over the boarder to buy cheap wine and candy - which we still do) I couldn´t recognize it. The train station in Stockholm was flooded with immigrants and gangs of young men - or children as the swedes like to call them. 

It´s become a meme. The "immigrant children of Sweden". 

Sweden reportedly  accepted more than 160,000 immigrants in 2015. In a country with about 10 million, a change in the demographics with almost 2% is noticable. In comparison Norway accepted 35,000 immigrants in 2015, which is a high number for a small country such as Norway with 5,5 million people. But it´s "only" a demographic change of 0,6%. But I can also tell you that a lot of people, especially in rural places feel it when small towns with 200 residents recieve 300 eighteen year old "refugees". They can´t sell their home, because no one will buy, they are constantly worried about their teenage daughters and so on. 

But we all know the cons of demographic changes. At least Norwegian authorities and police release statistics on rape and crime - and the numbers are not surprisingly bad. 

The interesting part is the Swedish mindset. Sweden - home of Piratebay, a country with an history of free speech and liberal values. When did the liberalism turn into madness? Why did they decide to go full retard and become so liberal that its actually a chance they will eliminate themselves from history? My only answer is years and years with brainwashing and liberal nonsense, feminism, altruism and unlimited tolerance. Women dressing their sons up as girls, learning them go go full vegan from the day they´re born, calling everyone that doesn´t agree with them nazis, while at the same time not realizing THEY are the nazis. I suppose that is a warning to you Americans..with all that´s going on in your campuses etc. 

I´m not sure what will happen in Sweden. They don´t accept refugees in the same manner now they did two years ago, but the influx is still there. I have some family in Sweden, and they are not on the same rational planet as most of us. The way they speak to you, like you´re a nazi because you point out problems and ask questions. No arguments, just overbearing passive aggressiveness in return. Swedes who speak up risk losing their jobs and their kids, and here in Norway we are scared the same attitudes will spread. It´s already bad enough, but theres still some free speech. 

How could it go so wrong? From vikings to the best country in the world...to this? 

I would be glad to hear your thoughts on this! 

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dont worry sweden is fine. i live in germany. like 30% here are not german.

And that´s just positive to you? Arent your media covering up gropings and rapes at festivals? Didn´t someone attack train-passengers with an axe a year ago? I mean, sure, you´re doing OK now. But at some point you must stop right? There are tens if not hundreds of million of men from the third world wanting to go to germany or sweden. When is the cut off point for you? Never?

I Disagree. Sweden is far from ok. I live here born and raised. We have so weak laws that even a rapest can claim he was asleep and he will go free......I didnt know she said no I cant the launghwitch.....u go free... is that ok?
And all taxes we pay so that they can give them homes and phones and Ipads so our old people have to live on microfood.
And all the burned cars and burning houses were immigrants live. Thay are burning down it them selfs.....they are not happy with the homes or they didnt get what they asked for.
I meet a man not long ago who came to Sweden 7 years ago. He is afraid cause he came here to get away from people who is extreme islamists. And now we think we are saving people who are running for their lives.....well not really cause we are taking in people just like the ones they are running from
And people wonder why so many people born outside of Sweden are woting for SD.....dahhh