Death by Immigration.

in politics •  8 years ago 

See video below

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Thanks, just ask if your short on youtube channels to help you get educated about it. :)

That's a laugh! I was thinking of posting this video myself. It's a really good video to introduce "normies" to the idea. I don't turn to Lauren for any deep analysis, but she's really good looking and well spoken. A true credit to our movement. I just wish people would see beyond that and realise what her place is.

Yeah well hype is hype and the more people concerned and interested in supporting the cause the better.
Thanks for stopping by.

I post this vedio.too.Get taking down . Stop white geneside.

video* genocide*

Ohhhh no our white lilly skin...... 8( sooo sad if only we didnt hate our selves... Lmfao rediculous

I thought faggots of your caliber were supposed to suck cock for a living.

Lol did someones white pride get tarnished? You know snowflakes like your self are in fact a dieing breed.... Probably from genetic degradation due to obsessive incest in your family line.

Right and apparently someone like lauren southern is inbred while whatever the fuck mix or group you belong to is optimum. You can have your own women all you want, Il have mine.
Feel free to deport yourself in the coming years if I haven't already personally done it to you myself.