Immigration vs EU values

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

I was browsing around and found this article from RT, a supposed russian propaganda outlet, ask the question "to what extent should migrants accept european values?". I fail to see how this is when this article goes against Russian policies that enforce the host country`s values. And the EU seems keen on pushing this propaganda even if it is tearing Europe apart.

The whole prospect of the question is frankly insulting. When my fellow countrymen were causing trouble, or eastern Europe in general, criticism would follow, and for good reason. But now that immigration is from outside the EU, it is somehow racist to expect them to abide by local laws? Meanwhile this is their response.

Immigration in and of itself isn't wrong, but bending our laws in the detriment of our own people is.

What are your thoughts on the issue?

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It's incredibly sad that we've reached the point where we are afraid to tell people that, if they want to be a part of our community, they must adhere to our values. The countries that rebel against this bizarre idea, and demand immigrants adopt the language and values of the community will be the only ones that survive. Two communities, with two divergent sets of values, cannot peacefully coexist for long.

Exactly. You wouldn't let just anyone in your house, would you? Only those that align with your values are welcome. So why do some people insist on welcoming people that not only don't align, but openly proclaim they want to kill and profit off us? It'w just stupid...
I don't think borders should be completely shut off, but they should be controlled. And whoever comes in, they need to be tested. In my country, Romania, while we do have problems, this isn't one of them. We don't welcome any and all refugees. And those that want to stay must learn our language, our history, our national anthem, that sort of thing which ingrains our values in their mindset. Pass that and bring something to better the society that welcomes you, you're a full member, otherwise, tough shit... This isn't evil, going into another society is a privilege, not a right.