A very simple fact of life so few seem to understand:

in politics •  7 years ago 

You can't be a proud american AND a Nazi at the same time. It can't be done.

There was even a war about it, the whole world was involved if you recall... and the whole world told the nazis to go get fucked.

So you're either one or the other, and if you choose Nazi, get out of America. Though... I'm not too sure where you will go because, again, the whole world told your kind to go get fucked.

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I think the basic gist of all of this is: we evolve at different rates and many who can't adapt to change, growth, evolution, etc. are being, and feeling, left behind.

With it all - comes a very troubling frustration that some people just don't know what to do with so they act in violence, hatred and anger.

They're being left behind and they know it so... they are losing control.

Sadly true, and also why I recently pointed out that one of our social issues is the idea that because we get immediate gratification in so many things now, we expect it in all things. But social change happens slowly, over generations. We're making great progress, but when we push it to hard and too far we see backlash like we're currently witnessing.