An (Animated!) List of Things I Would Rather Do Than Vote This Election

in politics •  9 years ago  (edited)


...or any election. I don't have the right to violently impose my will upon anyone, nor can I transfer that power to "elected representatives." So here is my short list of things that I would do before voting. Enjoy!




Remember kids, voting is violence. Don't do it. 

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Isn't this the damn truth! Haha great way of illustrating your feelings

I feel your pain man. Nice animations! :)


Did you make these animations? :D LAWL at the eyes-pryed-open bestiality one I was just talking to a friend about how scary and surreal it is that our choices between two evils has gotten this bad. (woops, either you just added that pic saying the pics are yours or it just didn't load for me yet. nvm. Nice job!)

Yes I made the animations. I've posted more of my work in previous blog entries if you're interested :)

Ewww, gross. LOL Definitely gets the point across.

Ah voting. The process in which they choose the executioner they favor more.

At least if I execute myself (as 2 of my animations demonstrate) I'm still in control!

I'm English, but I gather the choice is between a hateful person and a corrupt person? I'd chose hateful, there's only so much damage one person can do with hate.

I think there is a lot of logic in your choice. But I don't believe that the choice should even be made. I don't need a ruler, I don't want a ruler, and I would never impose a ruler on anyone else.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

I agree, but as Vinay Gupta said, Tech is the real ruler, Tech is what creates resources. Politics is just the violence that decides who should get resources. Just focus on the tech and leave the violence to the Jocks......... It sounded much smarter when he said it!


or you know vote third party ...

My issue isn't with these specific candidates. It's with the existence of a ruling class.

Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.