What is it that the Democratic Party, the Republican Party before the convention, and the media have in common?

in politics •  9 years ago 

What is it that the Democratic Party, the Republican Party before the convention, and the media have in common? They don’t really understand the American people of 2016, and they don’t understand Donald Trump.

My comments are my thoughts and feeling and when I say “we” or “the voters” I refer to everyone I have spoken with about this election: friends, co workers, relatives, random customers and workers in stores, and their friends.

Now, before you poo-poo me or label me just someone trying to promote any specific candidate, let me set you straight. I have been a life long democrat who waited for Hillary to run and preferred her over Obama two elections ago and I have no idea who I will vote for in November, since Kevin Kline’s character, Dave, from the 1993 movie, “Dave,” is not running for any office.

If you have not seen this movie starring Sigourney Weaver and Kevin Kline, and if you are one of those frustrated with our politicians who talk the talk, but never walk the walk, then this is a must see movie for you. I fondly remember and think about that movie at least every four years. (Yes, around elections). Certainly I cannot be the only person in the voting public who wishes for a candidate for President (or for that matter, for any office) who would be a President like Dave. Briefly, Dave, was a comedian impersonator who looked like the then President. Without giving away the story, he took the President’s place and solved problems of the US Government with a CPA friend, and if I recall, over a pizza. He was not interested in politics or public interest groups. He took no donations and had no favors owed to anyone. Instead, he and his friend just looked at the problems logically and from a business standpoint. Dave then went to the hill, explained the plan, and obtained support for the budget proposed.

Donald Trump. Is he the solution? If elected, will he be like Dave who just takes the issues and addresses them as if the US Government was a corporation? Only time will tell. But until then, the Democratic Party, the Republican candidates who are not supporting Trump, and the media have no clue what the majority of the voting public thinks and wants, or what Donald Trump is all about.

I initially enjoyed Trumps show, “The Apprentice” and that was my first introduction to Mr. Trump. I found him interesting but over the top at times. In this campaign, the “over the top” Trump came out again. What did the Democratic Party and candidates, the Republican Party and candidates at the start of the campaigns, and the media see? They highlighted a rude man who broke all of the “politically correct” rules, a man interrupting other candidates and saying the unspeakable. What did the non-privileged American voting public see? An out spoken, entertaining, articulate man saying all the things they wanted to say to those in office.

When Trump talks about the wall and keeping America safe, what did the Democratic Party and candidates, some Republicans, and the media see? Someone out of touch with reality who talks about a wall that can never be built, that is impractical, that is isolationistic. What did the non-privileged American voting public see? A candidate that is taking a stand on a topic that is not politically correct for “party” politics but is viewed by Trump and many Americans as in the country’s best interest. Finally, someone that wants to make America safe. Sure, if built it may only help southern mainland USA but it's a start. It tells Americans Trump wants to make decisions by putting American concerns and feelings first. (No more decisions based upon what will “country X” think?

Bernie Sanders’ tweets during the Trump speech of bigotry and divisiveness. Other candidates re-tweet about his tweet. The Democratic Party and candidates like Mr. Sanders, some Republicans, and the media see and highlight only their perspective on Trumps comments and intentions, or maybe what they hope they can convince the public to think. However, what did the non-privileged American voting public see? They see someone that appears to want to enforce the laws and not overlook them. Someone who wants to have America as it was in years past: strong, respected, prosperous, and safe.

While there are some Americas that have family from other countries here illegally, the majority of those bringing friends and relatives to this country do so legally (a/k/a a process longer and more difficult.). We should not reward criminals who break the law by giving them citizenship or just forgiving their crimes. Do we let those that embezzle money or commit fraud keep the ill-gotten gains? Of course not. So why would we just say, oh, you broke the law sneaking here illegally, It’s ok. You can stay, we will give you a social security number, and after you pick it up, there is the welfare office. The non-privileged American voting public starts to ask, could it be that Trump really means what he says? Could it be that he wants and intends what he says? Could it be that he will build a stronger, safer, law abiding America that is looked up to and not laughed at by other countries?

Bernie Sanders tweets that Trump thinks climate change is a hoax and that Trump is a hypocrite.
The Democratic Party and candidates and the media highlight only certain Trump comments that they twist to scare the public. However, what the non-privileged American voting public see is someone that has faults like all the rest of us and so many in public office now and in the past. Do we recall a president that had a blurred understanding of what sexual relations meant? Do we recall a president who thought breaking, entering, and destroying evidence was ok? Do we recall presidents that have lied to us to create fear and justification for invasions? Do we recall a candidate that got confused with emails? The list can go on. Some indiscretion or deceit is worse than others….

Bernie Sanders tweets asking if Trump is a dictator. The Democratic Party and candidates, and the media seize the opportunity to spread doubt and negativity, name-calling, and negative comments. What did the non-privileged American voting public see? Well, I can tell you what I heard from Trump in one of his speeches in the last 6 months. Trump admitted that he would have to surround himself as he did in business with those that have more knowledge than he has on topics that a President must understand. This is just like all the presidents before him have done. It is just like “Dave” who brings in a CPA friend. It is exactly what any successful businessman would do by bringing in consultants, accountants, attorneys, economic experts, engineers, or whatever specialist is required to understand fully issues and make informed decisions for the good of the country.

The Democratic Party and candidates, the media, and even some Republicans will continue to pick apart things that Trump says. They will continue to slant things so that people have distrust and fear when thinking of Trump. The American voters must weigh the pros and cons and the rhetoric. We can have more of the same, or we can try something new.

Hillary Clinton commenting on Trump’s acceptance speech by stating that Trump “does not speak for anyone.” She (not the Republican convention) is in the dark and delusional if she believes that Trump is not saying what American voters are thinking. This is another example of how the professional politicians and the media just don’t understand Trump and his movement or the American voters. Trump speaks for many Americans, including this writer. Most of us do not have the money, benefits, and privileges as Clinton, Sanders, Cruz, and other politicians and candidates. So of course, to them things look great.

The Democratic Party and candidates, and the media say he will never be elected. What do the non-privileged American voting public think? I cannot speak for everyone. I can tell you that from my perspective, I have seen many committed democrats who have stated they are voting for Trump. I have seen many young voters excited about voting for Trump. What is it that makes these people who would never think Republican move to the right? I believe it is simple. We no longer believe the career politicians. We see news clips of how the politicians say things are so good and/or are improving but those not in the upper income see paychecks stagnating, costs increasing, and no help from the so called Democratic caring party or politicians/Congress. They have lost touch with reality. They have lost touch with middle America and below.

The American voters have to decide if they want to take a chance on the business mogul billionaire or the status quo democrats. In my voting lifetime, we have never been able to trust that what a politician says in an election is what a politician will do after the election. They, rarely achieve what they state during an election, even if meant when first promised. We have just come to accept lies from them because the rhetoric sounds so good. So, Trump may be no different, and if elected, only time will tell.

I believe the majority of voters agree with what Trump has been saying about what America is, was, and can be. The American voters see Trump as a man like no other man. He breaks all the old molds. He speaks what he thinks, no holds barred. He does not care about politeness and while we cringe, we are cheering for him behind our TV sets because he is telling it like it is. America is not what it was. We are not strong. I am told by friends from abroad and citizens of other countries (including our “allies”) that America is laughed at by other countries. (Until they want something from us?) So we lower our heads at crude and inappropriate actions and comments but we support and have hope that if Trump is elected, in 4 more years, AMERICA CAN AGAIN BE GREAT.

The real question is whether in November, Americans will vote for Trump or succumb to the fear spread by the Democratic Party, Media, and some Republicans.

If Trump wins the election, I wonder what the Democratic Party and candidates, the media, and the Republicans not supporting Trump will be saying then? I hope they say they were wrong about him and apologize. I pray he does right by all Americans, but especially the non-elite since we are the majority of Americans, but sadly those with the smallest voice.

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