What IF? ****UNITE NOW****

in politics •  6 years ago 

To all you de-programmed ONES,

We have to come together like never before and share ideas about how to get ourselves out of this mess we are all in. We have to unite worldwide and strategize how to rise up and take back our freedom. Peaceful non-compliance with the system.

We have come to a point in time, when we must not support the systems that are keeping us enslaved and indoctrinated with lies and mistruths about how we must live together.

I studied society and culture in university and have continued to study when I completed my degree. I am committed to understanding how to create a world that works for everyone, not just a few.

We need to analyze the statistics, such as wealth distribution, and who is getting all the income and money? Don't you know it is 1% of the population that is living a life of luxury, while the majority of us are fighting for scraps. We are pitted against each other and made to fear one another. Divide and conquer.

How about our health? Many people are sick and have diseases that this is stress related and because many are eating chemical foods and getting shot up with vaccines and taking prescription pills.

Don't you realize that if you eat healthy organic food and use natural medicine, you will be very healthy and vibrant and free from diseases? How come this is so hard to grasp? Before the non-Indigenous came here, the Indigenous Nations, had no diseases and sickness, because of our lifestyle and we understood natural medicines. We strived to be healthy, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually, following The Medicine Wheel Teachings.

What's it going to take for us to wake the fuc* up here, this has gone on long enough now. We need to have courage and stand up against this corruption. Is it going to take a major disaster to make us unite? Are we going to wait until the very end. Are we waiting for someone to step-up and lead us out of the darkness here and be the leader out of this?

We each hold tremendous power to enact this change? We have to plan, we have to communicate and share ideas. We have to ensure that our basic needs are met and then we don't have to live in fear. We have to be brave here for the sake of future generations.

We all know the governments are nothing more than a front for the corporations that are running the show around here, so why the fuc* do we support this system? This corrupt and manipulative system must end, because it is not benefiting anyone but the corporations who are gaining tremendous wealth from exploiting the majority of us and keeping us working for their benefit only.

They own the banks, oil companies, education system, legal system, police force, governments, insurance companies, grocery stores, health care system, pharmaceutical companies, mainstream media outlets and all multinational companies that they set-up with the intention of having total control over us.

We have to get off fossil fuels and implement renewable energy and this is possible and we must choose this. We can unite and become a resource based economy as Jacques Fresco discusses in " The Venus Project." Enough with borders that divide us. I don't want to be confined by fake lines that keeps us separate.

The people that are controlling us are few and we have power in our numbers.

Right now, let's come together through this Steemit platform and share skills and talents and make concrete plans right now. We all know all the shi* that's going on around us, so now we need to talk about solutions. Come on, what do you have to lose? Don't be a coward and be strong, you have in in you. We can do this together TODAY. Please watch this important movie, it has to change your perspective.

Please add me, or leave your information in the comments, share ideas, where you are from, skills or talents you wish to share. All ideas are welcome. We can create a peaceful, loving, inclusive world for everyone. Let's DO THIS!

The most influential movie I have ever seen below:

Unite NOW.

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I will watch this video when I can make some time thank you.

Posted using Partiko Android

@shakanin While I agree with most of your post I think there is a strong resistance to “rise up,” so to speak, because most people don’t know how or think it requires a “physical action.” Many see it as futile and not worth their disruption in life.

There are still many people in the world (U.S. is where I’m located) that are doing “fine in the system.” They don’t want to mess up the life they have by “opposing government.”

While I think that marches, rallies, and other events can feel effective, I believe most people tune out of those types of events except those who are most passionate on the subject. In my opinion the best approach is to simply keep giving people knowledge. Show and share the truth. When enough people wake up to what is going on then it will happen. It’s going to take time. It isn’t a process that can be rushed. “We the People” are those with the power. We can make a difference and take government to its knees if the right kind of actions are taken. The veil is still too thick for most people. But it will happen...

I recently watched a great documentary from Aaron Russo “America - Freedom to Fascism.” Here is the link:

It was made in 2006 but so many ideas still ring true. It isn’t against the Republicans or the Democrats but rather the Federal Reserve (A non-government agency) and the history of how they have taken control of the U.S. government and now are not only in control of the U.S. but want control of the world. It’s fascinating stuff that I’ll share with anyone I come across who’s interested. I’ll watch what you posted as well and share thoughts.

Thank you for taking the time to post such a thoughtful post.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes, it's time we come together and help one another, share together and create a better place for all. love the music on this one. Keep on shining