Family & Voting Violence

in politics •  9 years ago 


Why do we point political guns at our friends and family, and then pretend to love and support all that they do?

"Interestingly, even those who talk about “representative government” refuse to accept any personal responsibility for actions taken by those for whom they voted. If their candidate of choice enacts a harmful “law,” or raises “taxes,” or wages war, the voters never feel the same guilt or shame they would feel if they themselves had personally done such things, or had hired or instructed someone else to do such things...Having been convinced that “authority” is real, and that by way of it, some human beings have acquired the moral right to initiate violence and commit acts of aggression against others (by way of so-called “laws”), every Democrat, every Republican, every voter, and everyone else who advocates “government” in any form is a proponent of violence and injustice." - Larken Rose TMDS

This seems pretty obvious to a lot of us, but seriously why do we do it?

I have watched family members who are on one side of the voting/violence circle jerk help in campaigning for their son who is on the other. That makes no sense.

When people go into the voting booth and select "their candidate" they are saying that they want this individual to do things that they cannot do themselves, because if they did them those things would be wrong.

That's it. It's simple.

Moreover, they want their representative to do things that completely contrast the wishes of other people in their personal lives....and these contrasts, the things they want to "change" are not going to be done peacefully.

Voting is not about being nice, it's not about cooperating, negotiating or compromising, its about dominance.

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Right on brother. It is a serious delusion to believe in the authority of the State and an even bigger one to believe that "one side" is superior to the other.
Families should have some cohesion and when they do not, as any other people, they should separate to go their own ways.
I said this same thing with Ron and Rand Paul. Here is Ron, who advocated against the very policies his son advocated for, and yet he endorsed him, he helped him in certain ways. Why? If your own son is advancing policies that limit your own freedom or go against your own belief why on earth would you help him to gain the power to do so?

That's just it. I don't want to turn my back on friends and family. I want them to truly look themselves in the mirror and realize what exactly it is they are advocating. I don't think most of them realize the amount of violence they are voting for. They act as if it is a game or competition of sorts. It's not a damn game, people will be caged and murdered for living peacefully if "your guy" wins. Whatever the hell "wins" means.