Why Are Americans So Obsessed With Telling On, Spying On, And Reporting One Another To The "Authorities"?...

in politics •  8 years ago 


Pardon my unpatriotic post but it's time to expose the "American Idiot" once and for all.

Who's the American Idiot? You most likely if you're American and still proud of it.

Let's be honest being American is nothing to be proud of and if we're to look at the facts it never was....

Let's look at them shall we. The land you call home wasn't actually yours to begin with. It was home to a thriving indigenous population (Native Americans) who treated the land with much more respect, honor, and love than you ever could.

Your founding fathers were actually slave owners, including Thomas Jefferson who owned over 600 slaves!

This may sound harsh but more than likely you don't even have a connection with the ground you walk on. You probably do have a connection with the idea or concept of America but that's an idea that has yet not and more than likely never will be realized.

After spending the last 7 months in Mexico outside of the general vicinity of the ignorance that runs rampant here I've made some profound realizations about just how bad it is here.

Sure the roads are nice and the national parks are too but the people are morons who are obsessed with outsourcing their authority to people like the police, park rangers, judges, and more.

Americans love telling on one another. It creates some sick, perverse reaction inside of them like they did something good and right when in fact all they did was pass up the opportunity to "man up" and solve a problem themselves.

It took less than 12 hours of being here before I was already threatened by a Whole Foods employee because my dog jumped out of my car while I was inside picking up a few things.

Granted it is summer and hot outside, I had all of the windows down and was only gone for a few minutes. When I came outside I saw him sitting there surrounded by 3 Whole Foods employees who told me they were about to call security and revoke my privilege of owning a dog?

Haha. WTF! My dog who I've loved, nurtured and cared for now for over 14 years. Who I was inside buying healthy organic food for is going to be taken away from me by a Whole Foods rentacop?

I don't fucking think so. So I repeatedly asked the guy why he would do something like that? Honestly he had no clue, I'm sure his brain was short circuiting at coming up with a real answer as to why. All he could say was it's a security issue.

We all know the real answer and this is why America is so unsafe. Everyone is scared of one another because they've all been taught to report their fellow man to some type of authority that will end up in some form of loss, pain, or suffering from whoever was reported, meanwhile the reporter aka tattle-tail will receive some sort of sick psychological reward for doing so and this is why America is so fucking scary.

I started feeling and thinking about this more and more as I got closer to crossing the border. "What am I getting myself into? Why am I even coming back here?"

We can think all we want that America is the land of the free but it's actually the opposite. More like a giant prison cell for your mind, filled with ludicrous rules and regulations that everyone somehow excepts as normal.

I mean come on, when you go to the airport to fly somewhere you step into a machine and assume the position of being arrested while getting radiated by god knows what and if you choose not to do that you get groped by some minimum wage government employee.

And the sad part is nobody notices it, they all just stand in line like a bunch of fucking sheep. Baaaaaah!

Wake up America...You're already dead.

Just look at your president for crying out loud. Yeah thank God it's not Hillary but is this 2 year old who shits on a golden throne and insults his neighbors that much better?


If you believe in America you believe in a dead, unrealized idea and it's time to move on. Start to recognize what I'm saying in this post that you're in love with Authority. There's always someone to call and handle whatever your problem is for you and it usually results in someone else's suffering.

Last week in the town of San Cristobal de las Casas while still in Mexico. I witnessed a young man in his 20's steal something from the market within minutes he was chased down by the store owner, beaten up and stripped naked. It was funny to watch him walk up the street butt naked holding his hands on his crotch with a couple of black eyes and lashes on his back.

Do you think that guy will ever steal from that market again? Probably not. Was the police called? No. Was the problem solved? Yes.

I'm not saying Mexico is better than the US, it's got its own problems but since "The Donald" likes to pick on them. I will say that the people are definitely more empowered and free than the average US citizen.

Land of the Fee, Home of the slaves.is all it is. And now with the regulation of Bitcoin and other Cryptos by the SEC you can kiss innovation goodbye!

Meanwhile Facebook will continue collecting and furnishing your data to whatever government agency it chooses.

It's time to drop the pride and identity of being American. Being a part of an out of control war machine that has been killing and raping the Middle East for decades while it's citizens are cruising luxury homes on wheels through pristine national parks is a joke and something you should be deeply ashamed of.

Fuck your America, I'm out.

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I think I'd choose the word ignorant over idiot simply because they're programmed by the media, on prescription drugs, drink fluoridated water, have chemicals sprayed on them from the skies, eat gmo foods and are called a conspiracy theorist by their peers if they even ask questions.

And if they come out of the fog enough to dig a little, cognitive dissonance kicks in and they shut down because the truth is too overwhelming. It's a wonder anyone is awake at all.

Maverick is surely a threat to humanity.

Yeah. He's vicious!

Because some of us are jealous and envy

Blunt and honest, I like it. 👍 way to speak your mind 👏

Your founding fathers were actually slave owners, including Thomas Jefferson who owned over 600 slaves! @naz722
