Man, aliens, scientists and gifts from the Father

in politics •  7 years ago 


Man ranging in height from dwarfism with individuals at and even slightly less than two feet in height. Interesting here, to some, might be that the countries with the world's smallest men on record alive today are different from the countries with the world's smallest women alive today. Since the year 2000 (officially) there are about 2000 genetic tests which can be used to diagnose a specific form of dwarfism. One way that we can understand how science as medicine has been conditioned within us to be valued is just because a person is of short stature, 4 foot and 10 inches, does not mean they have any form of dwarfism. But, there are 2000 genetic variations which can be used to label a person as genetically dwarf from simply small. Many cultures have people of small stature and these people are not defined or described as dwarfs. The same is true for the world's tallest living people, not all have gigantism who reach heights of more than 7 ft and some living human's today stand at approximately 9 feet in height. In my biological family there are uncles and cousins who reach the height of the giants and nieces and grandparents who were are small as dwarfs. I have met many people who describe this same phenomena. Some scientists tell us that most of our DNA is junk DNA, perhaps we do not get all of our DNA from our parents and grandparents.

In addition to height are other characteristics which people recognize that tell us we are genetically part of the family which raised us such as skin tone, eye color and body shape. Eye colors which are most common are blue and brown but also people have green, yellow, purple, hazel, black and eye color that changes with mood, diet and season. Babies are born to two blue-eyed parents who have brown eyes or two brown eyed parents who have blue eyes. There are people who are so much like their adoptive family that these individuals may never suspect that they have been adopted and may never search for their birth parents and others who feel that they are so different from the families that raised them they must have been adopted even when all evidence is to the contrary.

Next it may be worth considering the skin tones, a politically correct way of bringing into focus the reality that we have people with pigmentless skin who are said to have albinism or vitiligo and others whose skin is expressing heavily the luteal phase esters or yellow skin such as people of the area of China and others who are said to be red men or indigenous native American; some with various shades of brown such as is common for people of the India and some from the African continent whose pigmentation is so dark it can best be described as black. I have met many people whose skin tone did not fit any of these descriptions. A boy from India with two brown parents whose body was brown from the waste up with swirl patterns on his back and abdomen and who was white from the waste down. A girl from the USA who had one side of her body as brown and the other side was white. Many people with speckled skin and African people with all the features of the dark brown to black tribal people except these people were white with bright red hair. There were also blond haired and blue eyed indigenous native American tribes among the nearly 600 documented different tribes which lived in the Americas at the time of the arrival of the colonists and before the arrival of the colonists. Many of these tribes had trade agreements with Morocco on the west coast and Asia on the east coast.

The great flood story is different in many Asian cultures and these stories include that many of the population were able to find safe places in high caves and the extraordinary and unique design of the cave interiors strongly suggest that these caves were not created by humans or not by humans alone. With the technology available today these caves could not be reproduced. It was as if the interior temples were carved from the inside out. In addition to this the Asian area has a timeline history which is unbroken and consistent with the archeology and myths, legends or stories which have been handed down generation to generation. The timeline history of this area is more in sync with the myths, legends and stories of the Americas including the Mayan civilization and the Chumash. The chaotic timeline can be directly linked to the 200AD to 400AD period when the Gregorian calendar manipulation occurred in the western world via the Vatican. Archeologists along with universities (Roman schools which were developed for the purpose of turning out better politicians) were vastly different from the natural learning process which took place in communities and the shules (schools which were devoted to the purpose of bringing the students to the awakening of the Creator, the Father God). The religious schools, keeping in mind that the word religion is NOT in the bible, have been designed as have been doctrines to bring people to the false god - the Deceiver.

Line up the smallest human living today of light, dark, brown, yellow and red skin leading up to the tallest dark, light, brown, yellow and red skinned humans living today with our various skin variations and hair types and hair colors, eye colors and body shapes. If you had not been born on this planet and observed this line up of PEOPLE would you as a foreign entity describe the bi-pedal beings you found on this planet with one descriptor: homo sapien sapien? Science does.

If there is a universal, multiverse creative pattern, energy, Creative life force which many people and culture believe to be true and science is searching for the God particle devising massive machines that could rip a hole in the night sky, alter the dimensions, allow energies from other dimensions into our world and for which little information is known of the consequences would you agree that this is an intelligent method of investigation? How would you address the dangers of particle beam accelerators, a $20,000,000.00 CERN being constructed in Lead, South Dakota which will send particles to a Fermi - Bell laboratory installation in Illinois which is the same type of technology that has been reported to be used where time phenomena has occurred, the death of all scientists working on a project has occurred and which is associated also to NEOM (robots and super soldier robots) city being planned by Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Russia and the UAE for the middle eastern desert. Cleared by the US military with the loss of millions of lives in the process. How does it feel to know we (humans) paid for it with lives and money?

Our health and well being is not the concern of the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Secret Executive Service, Illuminati and Bilderberg Round Table nor is it the concern of the people who make agreements with individuals and organizations whose Agenda2020 remains as population reduction and utopian society. We have been in a planned globalist controlled society for nearly 100 years and working towards it for thousands of years. It is time to remember who we are and know that we know the truth. The pharmaceuticals and poisons are killing us, the animals and harming the planet and the water. We have come to be here at this time and everything we have been taught is a lie. We need a small amount of protein, approximately 2 ounces of whole protein from nuts, lentils, legumes, peas, meat or broth, dairy or egg daily. For those who choose vegan a source of arachidonic acid is best obtained from a small amount of safflower oil daily which is commonly used in the diets of vegans in India. It is acceptable to use a variety of grains, be careful of the source and packaging which is often coated in rat poison: rice, brown rice, grits, hominy, millet, quinoa, oats, rye, barley, jowar and whole grain non-GMO wheat at approximately three servings daily of three different grains is recommended. If desired a starch food such as potato and more nutritious are sweet potato, kohl-rabi, yam, cassava, celeriac. At least two raw vegetables daily and these should include regularly lettuces, garlic, turmeric, radishes, peeled cucumber, cabbage, bok choy. At least two cooked vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, turnip, onion, garlic, artichoke, jicaima, bok choy, peppers... At least three fruits with preference for the berries in any form: juiced, dried, prepared or raw. Coconut milk and or oil. Spices as desired. Seeds as tolerated with chocolate in moderation (mostly dark with soybean oil or stated as lecithin) with preference for mustard. Sugars: HONEY, rice syrup, molasses Beverages: Teas, coffee in moderation, filtered or spring or well water. Avoid: ASPARTAME, Food dyes, canola oil. This is general diet information and is not specific for any disease, disorder or condition. It is not altered to address the variations which may benefit people of different haplotypes or people of mixed ancestries. It is a starting point.

Follow the White Rabbit - Patent on evil

by Cumberland academy

Medicine Tribe
- - -
The people are awakening

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