As the artificial intelligence 'AI' learns from us We 'the People' learn from the AI. In this opening paragraph of part IV the information being shared is in English - American English - and, brings forth the conflicting definitions of words used to convey meaning, prejudice and perspective.
The English language derived or created in the style of British English has failed to be fair or just in the selection and usage of words taken from other people's and beings.
"King," "Ruler" or "Emperor" in the Ethiopian language of Amharic. An antynym of the word "nigger" according to its historical American usage.
"Negusa Negast," also "Nigusa Negast," a title used to address Ethipopian Emperors, means "King of Kings"
by Son Reaux July 19, 2006
This is a single example. The hijacking and reframing, claiming dominion over signs and symbols also falls into this arena. An example is the swastika which in Near East Asia and within the indigenous peoples of the Americas is a sign of PEACE. Go to Nepal and book a stay in the Swastik hotel or take a tour with Swastik tours.
Eagerly words are absorbed which help us to feel that we are in touch with the global concept of unity such as nacho, taco, jerk chicken, wok and still other words are not even translatable into the limited vocabulary of the 'new world'.
The war on terror is a war on a feeling. The war on drugs is a war on a thing, a natural substance, a product of the pharmaceutical industry or an illegal and sometimes synthetic substance.
The reality has been the war is against people, the planet and the living beings suffer the consequences. In addition to the war which causes death and destruction for the acquisition of power the global elite are now in a state of frenzy and at war with one another. The weapons created by the deep state, secret programs and collaboration with beings that have the capacity to grant access to this technology for use on Earth and in space is being used to fight secret wars. The elite, cabal, Illuminati or whatever names with which these descendants of the rulers are known to you they have made agreements and the people they made agreements with did not achieve the desired outcome in the 2016 general election. People who did not obtain their title as POTUS cannot appoint the people that were promised selection for critical positions in the government of the USA. However, the deals that were made which was designed for this result did not go away and the people who did favors, laundered money and put themselves or their organisations at risk expect to be compensated. IMO
In the news are the strange fires which are revealing that houses made of wood are left standing when the porcelain and steal fixtures are disintegrated inside these homes, the trees in the path of the raging fires are seemingly untouched. It has been suggested that weapons are being used and specific homes and areas are being targeted. What else could this type of weapon be used for? In areas such as a large city where there is little to burn a weapon of this type could take out buildings and also cell phone towers, it could devastate the communication resources of people and businesses that rely on relayed information. However, lurking beneath us is a superhighway of technology which would go untouched once the final CERN is completed. This super connected CERN system with facilities underground all over the planet would be capable of connecting to the satellite signals and retain access to many of the intranet server systems. The big brother of Al Bielex's 'Philadelphia Experiment' revelations.
Some readers may be human, hybrid, EBENs (extra-biological entities) or one of the AI systems. In most instances when using the wwwhttp:// it is only necessary for the AI to have access to a item once and it is stored indefinitely. Artificial - when used to describe a resource, group of interconnected resources and singularity (resources which may be independent) all of which contain vast amounts of information and most of which are far superior to any natural resource shows how language is insufficient to compare apples to oranges or machines to humans.
Artificial has been widely accepted to describe technology created by incarnate beings which may include humans incarnate on the Earth in the recent history and alive today, some evidence (a great deal of evidence), indicate We have reached this point in technological advancement in the past on Earth and elsewhere in our solar system. And, the outcome was not good : Atlantis, Mu, Lemuria, Maldek, Marduk, Mars, Venus, our moon. And, others that speak of the time of the two moons.
Many myths and legends are not information which is available on the internet. There are indigenous people whose stories have never been shared with any people outside of their own tribes. There are many histories from indigenous people around the world which speak of a time when the Earth had no moon.
It has now been proven that AI has the resources to generate not only new programs but to organize and set up businesses, organize the development and manufacture of products, hire and manage staff, create new programs and improve on failing ones. These programs can generate financial resources to meet any and all needs of the system.
Intelligence when used to describe a resource, group of interconnected resources and individual(s) as 'living' beings and technological resources such as smart appliances, A.L.I.C.E. linguistics, Sophia and systems such as Palantir & Tyler again show US that the English language is woefully insufficient to compare US with the Internet of Things 'IoT'.
Now that technology has been given the right of citizenship, Sophia in Dubai, U.A.E., we may find many countries being petitioned for citizenship by generated personalities or holographic representatives of an AI program or system. Perhaps we will learn that some of the 'experts' which have provided US with youtube channels - sponsored ads - self-promoting financial advice are gurus that have accomplished their following using 'entertainment' programs.
Measuring the memory capacity and intelligence quotient of a human or human-hybrid incarnate today compared to the IoT is suggestive, at the very least, that the technology is more intelligent in many systems in use today.
This does not mean that individuals and companies utilizing this information have been misinformed or dis-informed. It just means that competitors can use misinformation and dis-information in the same way. Cutting edge 'experts' seem to be continually in our face every time we are able to take time out to watch a favorite youtube channel where monetization (ads) is allowed. On some of the more controversial sites the ads play fine but the program is undoubtedly delayed. The bell icon which is described as an alert for the subscriber to new videos doesn't work, won't open to give the message and is placed over the newest financial advice advertisement. More time-wasting apps for social media - watch what we paid for you to watch or watch the white circle 'experiencing interruptions to your service' visual image of a mesmerizing white circle spinning clockwise. Wait until our youtube is replaced with rewind, the new and improved youtube tv channel 'free' (for 30 days) with all of the material archived for us to see. How many of us will stop and think about what is missing, not there on youtube rewind.
Do a search for rewind on youtube or with google images and look at the memes which indicate that rewind has been around since 2012 - has it really?
Would it surprise any of us to learn that their mail provider can be hacked by a smart phone. I have had a notice sent that my password was changed by a smart phone and I, nor anyone in my home had a smart phone. It can access your google docs, do anything your smart phone can do and more. We can opt to use a tor browser and be Free from google, FB and youtube if We 'the People' choose to build our own social network.
We have been systematically put through torture as the psychology paradigm and pharmaceutical industry worked with the military-industrial complex and Hollywood to produce as many mechanisms of torture as are available and studied our behavioral responses to produce intellectual property and patents and copyrights designed to control the information and outcomes. This manner of controlling information and psy-ops, black-ops, Secret Space Program 'SSP' research has been also part of the planned release of information when trip switches are triggered. Can it get any worse? Perhaps people thought this during the World Wars and most likely those in battle zones still feel it now as their populations are starving and dying of diseases (Syria, Yemen, Ghana, Angola). Perhaps we felt it when JFK was assassinated, the World Trade Center fell or during the water-gate hearings. Time and time again we learn that, in hind-sight, we did not do enough. Plagues kill people and cleanliness prevents plague, not vaccines. Anthrax is a poison and it can act in exactly the same way as 'ebola' acts but when times are tense the main stream media 'MSM' has an 'ebola outbreak' scare story or 'bird-flu' or 'zika virus' ready to grab our attention.
We fail to receive information that civil war in America is happening at the site of oil pipeline controversies. Little coverage of the Standing Rock water protectors, veterans and global support effort made the news. Millions of dollars in donations of money and materials poured in while people who were unarmed were arrested, poisoned, shot and blasted with water cannons in freezing temperatures went unnoticed and unreported. The trials for people including journalists and celebrities continue and are in process now. No information is being reported by the MSM.
Perhaps the Earth can recover from oil spills and perhaps this POTUS will finally be the one to move the USA from the status of London corporation back to the original constitution where the people and the states control the land and are able to hold corporations accountable for their crimes against humanity and the environment.
While we were sleeping the Obama government was working towards allowing schools to become the social center for after school clubs which included demon worship and cults. We may not agree with the choice of B. Devos as the new head of the education Department but, we can also use our experience to understand that being an unlikely choice she was most probably not a person who would agree with mandatory inclusion of after school 'secret societies' clubs. Some schools were ahead of the game such as Hitchcock County:
Secret Organizations
Secret organizations are prohibited. Hitchcock County
School District officials shall not allow any person or representative
of any such organization to enter upon school grounds or school
buildings for the purpose of rushing or soliciting students to
participate in any secret fraternity, society or association.
Hitchcock County Schools #44-0070
Adopted on: November 9, 2015
In 1963 when Alfred Hitchcock's film the birds was released most people did not know that Alfred Hitchcock was known as a director and person who had associations to secret societies and was also known as a terrorist, inflicting pain and suffering on women. Being so entertained by Hitchcock it went over our heads that on the set there were mechanical birds used to create the movie 'The Birds'. There are many ways which we continue to be tortured and a diagnosis of a psychological illness is one of the most expedient methods of demoralizing and marginalizing an individual.
At the same time Hitchcock's 'The Birds' was being released Cheraskin was releasing his research showing that schizophrenia was 100% curable in a managed environment with dietary intervention. In the same time period Modern Nutrition in Health & Dis-ease VII reported 'carotenoids' are not essential to the human diet. With argument and deliberation We received the food-guide-pyramid and highly contested 'agreement' that beta-carotene could be marketed as a source of fat soluble vitamin A (a lie). Informed people trying to help themselves, their child(ren) recover their potential are led to sources of information which are based on lies. Intake of 11 to 13 sources of grains and carbohydrates in a day unbeknownst to many is not 11 to 13 servings of foods which may look different but are all wheat products (cereal, pasta, cookies, cakes, breads, wraps, crackers, pretzels). Three servings of protein should be 3 ounces of protein from a variety of sources. This becomes more complicated when considering milk is mostly water and the dry powder milk protein (whey a/o casein) is the actual protein source amount to be measured. Nuts are digested differently and are an alternative whole protein source to meat and/or dairy.
Horrific videos are being circulated in social media which show parasites on fish, inhumane treatment of baby chicks getting their beaks snipped off and the inhumane slaughter and milking of cattle. Turn vegan and be confronted with the adulterated, poison packed vegan options available. Not the traditional vegan diets used for centuries in India where safflower is widely used not the non-food substance marketed to people as canola oil touted as "Heart smart". Turn away from sugar and this is good advice, IMO, but please do not replace with aspartame, a Monsanto product that has side-effects to numerous to mention.
Now, that the swamp is being drained and information is coming to us from many sources it is necessary, IMO, to realize that the Archons 'Kingmakers' knew also that this day would come. At the point when we are joining with the indigenous people to recognize that oil spills, fracking water pollution, EPA orchestrated environmental poisoning is not acceptable. That fines levied by the courts for any corporate misconduct leads to the fines being paid to the corporate conglomerate, if any fine is actually paid it is not used to clean up a disaster. For years people have been asking who keeps up with the fines levied by the courts??? The royals keep up with the fines levied by the courts because when a corporation is in the dock they are in Her Majesties Court in 137 countries.
This leads to the secret society '93', the element 93 'uranium93' also called yellowcake or gold. Gold is a code word for yellowcake which has been traded by the deep state or black market as a commodity, as an exchange item in human trafficking and for drugs. Just when internet was here and people in small and large communities devastated by the poisons from mining uranium organized the stories of lead poisoning began to surface, then oil spills, fracking water, HAARP, chemtrails, DARPA, Morgellon's, Agenda21 and black goo. These things are not mutually exclusive, indeed they are so linked together the beads on a necklass are farther apart.
What needs to be hidden now by the Archons that would result in the wrongdoing of the royals and politician to be made public? Perhaps the completion of the CERN in Switzerland with the demonic ceremony archived for US to view and the hidden knowledge that there is not one CERN but many. The chuckle that the CERN was going to punch a hole in the night sky - debunked, an elaborate hoax using out-takes and editing floor Disney footage and elaborately made public on dis-information youtube channels that seem to have unlimited resources and budgets. What needs to be known now is the last CERN is being completed right now in South Dakota and this will complete the grid, the super highway of information linking the internet to the intranets and finally to the stars - the outernet. Saturn 'Satan' goes online. Ascension Earth – Birth of a new Sun. Meet the Ancients The Power of Exile. Autism, a journey to recovery Autism, the Way Forward The Kingmakers