Anyways to anyone looking and thinking you can see how this election has unfolded and why : )
It was a funny time in many ways and thank goodness the winner is obvious . . .
This was never a close contest ; it was simply the media needing advertising revenue that created so much " smoke and mirrors " confusion.

Remember the First Amendment is not about Free Speech, with central media ownership the First Amendment is about Stock Market Shares Prices ! ! !
How funny is it that Republidiots watch their propaganda channel so they feel secure their opinion is pure and correct and at the same time the Demotards do the same thing.
Come November do your country a favor and tell your sitting Representative " You're Fired ! ! ! "
Anyways it is nearly all over for a few years so everyone can go back to sleep and let the professional politicians get on about their jobs of making their contributors wealthy . . .
After all ; the only thing Congress does is decide who gets awarded the trillions of dollars worth of governmental contracts...