My YouTube Channel Is On The Verge Of Deletion

in politics •  7 years ago 

Within 24 hours, my YouTube channel has received two community guidelines strikes - likely as a result of a mass flagging campaign - and is now on the verge of total deletion.

Please respectfully contact Team YouTube and alert them to this injustice.

"Almost immediately after returning from a speaking tour of Australia and New Zealand, and after getting my final all-clear cancer checkup, the YouTube strikes against Freedomain Radio - the world's most popular philosophy show - began.

Apparently, I had "violated community standards" by publishing a short video last year entitled "The Death of White Males," which discussed the decline in life expectancy for white males, in part due to the opioid crisis.

The next day, Wednesday, I awoke to another strike, this time for a discussion I had with UK journalist Katie Hopkins. Now, as I write this, two other Freedomain Radio videos have been set to 'Private' by YouTube and locked. One was called "What Pisses Me Off About the YouTube Child Sex Scandal," and the other was a chat I had with Tom Golden, a psychotherapist and the author of “Helping Mothers be Closer to Their Sons: Understanding the Unique World of Boys” and “The Way Men Heal.”

I have poured 12 years of my life into my YouTube channel, with thousands of videos, hundreds of thousands of subscribers, and hundreds of millions of views. In particular, I am proud of promoting Peaceful Parenting, convincing countless parents to stop hitting their children, and start negotiating instead.

As it stands, I am unable to publish to YouTube for two weeks. Today my channel hangs by a thread and could be destroyed at any moment. Whether it survives is not up to me, since I have always striven to tell the truth. The future of philosophy is now up to YouTube, and it is up to you.

You can help me, Freedomain Radio, philosophy and the world by letting YouTube know what you think. Please do so firmly, politely and respectfully by contacting @TeamYouTube.

This is a time for community action. YouTube is making a terrible mistake, but it's not too late to save philosophy. Please act now - tomorrow may be too late."

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If you think youtube cares what it's viewers want, you haven't been paying attention.
Reupload your stuff to Dtube or you're going to lose it forever, and tell Lauren to do the same.

Last I checked, DTube does not store stuff forever (has that changed?). Always keep your own backups is my point.

I agree. It's just a matter of time before they completely delete it.

Reuploading to dtube would be a wise decision.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

As much as I disagree with almost everything you have to say and what you stand for , I can see why such a purge would be problematic to the overall ecosystem of ideas.

If I recall your positions correctly , you are anti-regulation and pro-private property. By your own standard , you shouldn't have any issue with a private (non govt) company enforcing it's TOS in which you are "free to participate".

Why is it that these things only become an issue when they affect you personally ?

Looking forward to your reply !!

If I recall your positions correctly , you are anti-regulation and pro-private property. By your own standard , you shouldn't have any issue with a private (non govt) company enforcing it's TOS in which you are "free to participate".

He hasn't said he has a problem with them enforcing their TOS. If he doesn't believe he's violated their TOS, then he's correct to call attention to the mistake that they're making and ask for support.

Nothing inconsistent about that. You're just bobbling the Xs and Os of it and then accusing him of hypocrisy.

In your mind, what? It's fair game for other people to complain to YouTube about him, but he's not allowed to ask his followers to show support? That's consistency to you?

Here is the inconsistency :
Stefan has been a private propery rights above all kind of guy all his career , what that leads to is the monopoly like FB/TW has over the digital town square.

Current situation is the logical outcome of his own philosophy and he is complaining against it ,

surely he is taking a subdued tone in his complaints because he still has hopes that situation is resolvable with youtube. It's the classical case of be careful what you wish for , it might just come true.

Here is Stefan ranting in favor of monopolies ...

Keep in mind , this doesn't stop here and FB/TW will censor all of the anti -establishment voices ( left or right) as they rolled out the phase 1 of demonetization last year.

Stefan has been a private propery rights above all kind of guy all his career , what that leads to is the monopoly like FB/TW has over the digital town square.

Even if that's true it wouldn't be hypocrisy, unless he was trying to strip them if their property rights for some reason (which of course he isn't).

You're also assuming his "complaint" is based only around the idea of it being a large company. If this happened on Vimeo or if there was no monopoly sort of thing, he may still wish to not have strikes on his account.

And no, it's a pretty lousy assumption that property rights is what leads to centralization and monopolies. You realize we live under a state and that these platforms exist in a controlled/regulated environment right?

Seems like you just don't like Stefan lol.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes, Lol indeed.

these platforms exist in a controlled/regulated environment right?

That's the whole point they don't exist under appropriate regulation , if they did , such monopoly would not exist.
Under appropriate regulation ,maybe as a utility , political speech would be treated under first amendment /free speech mandate . Just like ISPs can't block Infowar for customers , FB shouldn't be able to block it as well.

You're also assuming his "complaint" is based only around the idea of it being a large company

It's pretty obvious he is complaining since youtube has a large audience. I don't see how your tangent about vimeo is relevant at all.

Seems like you just don't like Stefan lol.


That's the whole point they don't exist under appropriate regulation , if they did , such monopoly would not exist.
Under appropriate regulation ,maybe as a utility , political speech would be treated under first amendment /free speech mandate

Oh, you're saying you want them to be controlled so that the controllers force them to let everyone use their platform? That seems awful to me and unlikely to work out as you want lol

But in any case you should think through what inconsistency/hypocrisy means. Stef would only be guilty of it if he said "free market / non aggression" and did otherwise. Asking for support to help stay on the platform is a non aggressive action.

The Vimeo thing is saying that the size and scope of the site has nothing to do with whether Stef's behavior violates free market / non-aggression



Nice try, kiddo. That sentence wasn't intended as an argument. I was just adding a little flair to the end :p The arguments were up above it

Alright man. ..have a nice day

you too

Also if you try to find you can find many glaring u-turns he has taken from his own the top of my head , I am reminded of the time when he DMCAd someone ..while preaching he doesn't support copyright at all.

Bingo. I had a tremendous respect for Molyneux before his slide into hypocrisy that began at that DCMA incident. He has produced some great material and he is a deep thinker.

I asked several folks who interacted with him regularly like Dana Martin what is going on with Molyneux and nobody has a good answer. Dana said he just stopped communicating with her and she added others were "cut off" at roughly the same time in much the same way.

I do have to agree with the person who replied to you:

And no, it's a pretty lousy assumption that property rights is what leads to centralization and monopolies.

It's not property rights that cause that. Monopolies wouldn't last long if government didn't provide subsidies and protections that encourage them.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I would like to draw your attention to below..specifically the "above all" part.
Of course we need to have private property right but its all about balance.

private propery rights above all

Highly unlikely you will get one from Stefan. I do like that you used logic to show how his actions are inconsistent with what he says. Not exactly the mark of a quality philosopher with solid standards.

What is he inconsistent about?

You won't get an answer to this. Because nothing is inconsistent :)

It's completely consistent with free speech and private property and all that to ask people to support you. Apparently in their mind, when people complain to YouTube about him, he's not allowed to ask people for support and ask YouTube to review the strikes. (They're projecting. They're the hypocrites.)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Did you see how he replied? Such a shameless dodge. Did he think I was using Peterson as a personal authority? I really think we need to teach basic logic in schools.

ya!! it's such an important skill. it's like you need to be able to stay on track before you start debating ideas or whatever.

if nothing else, schools could at least STOP teaching kids NOT to think :p

I try...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

They should be free to do what they want, but they shouldn't choose to do it because i doing so they thereby take responsibility for all their content. ie. there's no way to police all the content. They've gone down their own rabbit hole of self destruction in doing so. He's not being inconsistent because he's not saying YT should be legally forced to do anything, or is he?

Why the complaining and whinging then ? it is perfectly aligned with his world view of absolutist private property , even at the point when these platforms become monopoly for public discourse.

Keep in mind , this is not going to stop here until we recognize such digital public squares needs to be looked at as utilities.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You're talking about two different things.

I'll let Jordan Peterson explain it as he does it better:

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks but no Thanks, I don't need to listen to Jordan Peterson on anything else except - clean my room , get some exercise.

He is still figuring out whether civil rights for black people are justified

Or enforcing equality of outcome when it suits his position

I'm not getting pulled into a "sidestepping" game, we were talking about one subject and now you're trying to talk about something else. Quite typical of the Left and their gymnastics.

alright....have a nice day..

and failing at climate change ,

You see dropping youtube links to support your own viewpoint is not quite difficult , every variety is available on the interwebs.


You can be pro-private property and anti-government regulation while still voicing your opinions to businesses. If he were advocating the government to do something about youtube's decisions, then he would be inconsistent.

so everytime FB/Youtube suppresses public discourse we are supposed to do such a campaign ? sounds like a band-aid solution to me.

Wow, this is pretty intense!

Stefan, I think you guys should basically migrate to, Bitchute, Minds, etc. This way you may even make a few bucks - and whether you survive this or not, Youtube just can not be trusted.

Time to upload all your stuff to / and others. Alex Jones was a trial balloon. You are next.

You can help me, Freedomain Radio, philosophy and the world by letting YouTube know what you think.

Do you really (still) believe, that they care a s*** about any complaints against their now obvious censorship?

Not good! I would suggest that you read up on the peer to peer project under the hashtag dweb

DWeb Open Tomorrow: This Internet Can't be Shut Down

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


FYI - they are getting rid of the left wing channels as well , basically anything not approved by the establishment.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


Totally understand I will express this to them. I think many really need to distribute all their content across the decentralized platforms as much as possible.

Stefan, that is the point is the censorship.

You speak to reason and logic. That makes you dangerous and a threat to their continued existence. They MUST eliminate competing voices on the platform or they will lose it all.

If they fail in stoppong Trump at the midterms, they are done.

Hi @stefan.molyneux, I'm @checky ! While checking the mentions made in this post I noticed that @teamyoutube doesn't exist on Steem. Maybe you made a typo ?

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I would care if it wasnt for the fact that you are a statist, a ballhead and that you never supported me when my daughter was kidnapped 12 years ago ( i wrote you to come on your show ).. you have tought me about some philosophy but it falls to the ground for the above 3 reasons.

I will flag you until you realize that the earth is flat, become an anarchist by action and you support my fight to get my children freed!

First use Google Takeout to download everything (if you don't have it all backed up already.

Second, Google/Youtube has made it clear where they stand in regards to censoring content. If you want to keep your youtube channel then I recommend using some other service (whether it is DTube or something else) for more controversial content or anything you think Youtube might remotely consider controversial. The only way Youtube might decide to change their policies is if more people leave or stop watching.

It's not like you couldn't see this coming. But since you've cut yourself off from a large part of the NAP following liberty community and turned your back on libertarian principles, you stand to loose a lot of your really great earlier materials if you don't have your own backups.

Actually I'm rather surprised to see you on steemit.

We have been waiting for you to come over and be more interactive here Stef! Once you get into the conversation this channel will take off and lots of steemians will thank you for it.

I hope all your material is backed up somewhere. The Richie Allen show was deleted from Youtube basically overnight and they did not re-instate it despite many complains, but luckily Richie had all his videos saved somewhere and were able to re-upload some of them. I hope you can find a less tyrannical streaming service.

I am in the middle of getting to know your videos as a result of your contact with others that are associated with the intellectual dark web. I don't like how some of your material makes me feel but that is precisely why I am continuing to watch. That unease may be my internal compass telling me to pay attention.

This series of events brings up several random thoughts.

  1. Maybe telling the truth as you see it (which is your right) has more than one manner of delivery and you've chosen one close to win-lose than win-win, creating the (albeit unjust) karma you are now facing.
  2. Socrates just drank the poison and let the chips fall. Compared to that, this is nothing.
  3. It may be the case that as a forum approaches a level of reach commensurate with a "utility service" it inevitably takes on the behavior and regulation of the state.
    Just some underdeveloped thoughts that popped.
    I do think all ideas, especially if they are misguided, should be allowed exposure to daylight. As other comments said, maybe it's time to expand beyond YouTube. Good luck.

I'd make a back up channel with different content, if you repost the same stuff YT will come after the new channel, and post your stuff to Dtube instead. But YouTube basically hates controversial channels.

I follow dutchinsense for earthquake stuff ... and he's mentioned that YouTube is about to kick him off soon to. Right now, there's been quite the censorship going on with YouTube .. time to use other platforms that are more "free" with thought and speech.

I hope everyone is kicked off youtube,and it fails. OPENSCORCE .

"I have poured 12 years of my life into my YouTube channel"
We desperately need decentralized censor-resistant platforms!

"Act now please".

I'm sorry my friend, but no. This battle will only be won by moving to other platforms and robbing big tech of what they need most - users.

Youtube is a dying platform.
Move your content to Bit.Tube or DTube.