in politics •  7 years ago 

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Question: “Me and my girlfriend of 5 years first met when we started a Young Americans for Liberty Chapter, we recently broke up with one of the big reasons being our differences in opinion on immigration. She is Mexican American with some of her family being here illegally. I am a Trump supporting ancap born to MAGA, while she is an open border hard ancap Trump skeptic. Should I follow through with my threat to call ICE on her step father who is here illegally and who sexually abused her as a child giving her major depression?”

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opposes open borders

as if being an ancap wasn't a big enough contradiction in the first place

how is ancap a contradiction?

Anarchism is the absence of any state (an entity with a monopoly on violence). Capitalism is a violence-enforced regularized construct. Enforceable property, meaningful contracts, non trust-based credit, etc, don't exist in the absence of an overpowering entity to enforce them.

"Capitalism is a violence-enforced regularized construct"

whut? how is capitalism violence enforced? Are you that dude who claims that "property is violence"?

because if you think that is the case, you're denying people self-defence.

I am the owner of myself. I have the most superior claim to my own body and am solely responsible for its maintenance and improvement. This gives me the right to defend people trying to restrict my claim over my own body using force.

Property is the generalization of this principle of self ownership.

You lose logical consistency when you generalize it beyond a person's immediate surroundings. Talking about bodies? Fine - no major problems with the framework. Talking about large tracts of land? Doesn't work. You can't beat up somebody who steps over an imaginary line in the middle of a field and claim that you're somehow acting in self defense. All you're doing is committing violence against somebody who committed no violence against you.

You understand steewardship? If I have invested my blood, sweat and tears into improving a tract of land and making it produce food for my family, I have earned the right to use it and the right to defend the fruits of my labors, which do indeed encompass that land I have acquired and been a steward to.

I don't disagree you. I'm just saying that the way you reap those rewards is by having a government enforce them for you through threat of violence. Ideally, a democratic government implementing a system that the electorate has collectively consented to. We give people ownership over land because we choose to, and decide what that ownership means. Not because there's a singular justified notion of property that can derived. But because we as a people decide that's what enriches us.

OK, I am with you on not having government enforcers. We need people with ethics, not thugs with "authority."
There is a subtle difference between "land ownership"( which is absurd, how can a flea own the dog upon which it rides?) and land stewardship, and it is one of the "enlightenment" concepts imo. If people understood and embraced the latter, the need for violent defense would fade away. It begins, for me, with the question of who holds the Master Title to earth, from which they derived the authority to make the title to my land?


You are well within your rights to report a illegal migrant. But ubderstand that that will have serious consequences for this person and any other illegal they are living with. Pmhs your ex might hate your guts forever amd her family as well. You could report him and just claim you didn't and that you were just playing when you said you would. In the end you have to know what you think is the right course of action. If he's an asshole and she is on your shit list then you know what to do.

Is this really you Stefan? Just want to verify :)
