The Ugly Facts About Black-on-Black Racism

in politics •  7 years ago 

Question: “I am having a crisis of what to do about my relationship with the black community. While my family are certainly not full of Michael Browns and Trayvon Martins, they are excruciatingly liberal and completely intolerant of any other viewpoints. I know there is no real future with this type of thinking and it reminds me of Dr. Ben Carson recently saying that poor people are poor because they think poor.”

“I have on one hand Dr. Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder and Jesse Lee Peterson telling me that the problem is cultural and can be fixed and Jared Taylor on the other hand telling me that the IQ level for blacks makes blacks more prone to criminality and that the culture cannot be mended across racial lines. In the meanwhile the dramatic reduction of price of DNA testing combined with extremely hostile foreigners introduced to our population has finally given rise to race being a reality and not a social construct.

“The black community that rejected me long ago for ‘speaking and acting white’ now rebukes me for leaving the black community once I started making good money and reminds me that it is the responsibility of people like me to fix everything. It is time (way past time) for me to start creating children and what am I giving them? What society am I giving my black children? What burdens am I forcing upon them?”

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Very poor sound on the question asker's end. I couldn't listen for more than a minute before turning the sound off to write this comment: sorry, Stefan!

There are some simple, inexpensive (or free) techniques to ensure minimum sound quality, even with a dirt-cheap microphone. One of these is to sit facing a large empty box with the top cut away (like looking onto a large roofless house with only three walls). Drape towels on three of the walls to prevent echos.

Know for.


I almost for to ask this question. You quoted statistics on (so-called) black on white crimes or attacks for sometime in the 2000's. Can you please quote those same statistics for the year 1910 if not how about 1920 or 1930 or 1940 or even 1950's? People in glass houses should not throw stones!