Here is a message I sent to the white house a month ago and their generic reply today

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

Inspired by events which I posted about here... 

... about a month ago I sent a message to the white house and finally received a response back which I just had to post online for all to see.  My original message as follows:

To Whom it Concerns,

The president's statements and threats towards North Korea are dangerous, reckless and go against the rule of law. I would urge the president to follow the order of the law and comply with congress and the recommendations of counsel who have more knowledge and experience in matters of national security and foreign policy.

The United States and Donald Trump himself should issue an immediate apology to the DPRK, it's people, Kim Jun Un and their foreign minister on behalf of the white house, the US and our nation as a whole.

Donald Trump's actions on nearly all matters demonstrate a high level of incompetence, racism, and disrespect to the USA, it's allies and humanity itself.




And here is the generic response I got back from a third party email platform nearly a month later:

Thank you for taking the time to express your views regarding foreign policy and our Nation’s military.

My Administration is devoted to strengthening America, protecting our people, and advancing our interests abroad. A central principle of my national security policy is peace through strength. I am committed to seeking diplomatic solutions to our critical international challenges, but we must rebuild our military in order to demonstrate America’s resolve and ensure that we remain the greatest fighting force in the world. As President George Washington said, such preparation is “the most effectual means of preserving peace.” That is why I am working with the Congress to provide our military leaders with the means necessary to protect our country.  

Another central principle of my national security policy is America First. Now, America First does not mean America alone. Rather, it is a commitment to protecting and advancing our vital interests while also fostering cooperation and strengthening relationships with our allies and partners. It is a determination to stand up for our people and our way of life that deepens respect for America. As we do this, we must also restore our leadership role because the world is safer when America leads. American leadership is necessary to address the serious problems we face—from rogue regimes to terrorist groups like the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and al-Qa’ida. Working with others is essential to meeting these challenges, as is ensuring that our partners and allies are contributing their fair share to our mutual defense.  

Thank you, again, for your suggestions. Please visit america-first-foreign-policy to read more about my foreign policy vision and proposals, and please visit to learn more about my plan to strengthen our military. As President, I am focused on growing our economy, strengthening our leadership, and protecting our citizens—and we know that no challenge will outmatch the fight and spirit of the American people.


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Also, one month ago, I urged all my friends and supporters in N. California to contact their local representatives in response to Donald Trump's rhetoric at that time. His threats towards N. Korea fit the definition of disturbing the peace (corpus delicti: making statements likely to produce an immediate violent response) and declaration of war without congressional approval. If you disapprove of Donald Trump, and agree that many of his actions are illegal and dangerous; please call your congressman, and senators and voice your opinion that we need to take immediate legal action and cannot wait for the already fouled Russia Investigation. You can google the numbers for their local office or reach their DC offices at this number: 202-224-3121. Other numbers: CA Senator Diane Feinstein 415-393-0707. Congressman/Representative Mike Thompson (707) 645-1888.