President Donald Trump tweets releasing ALL JFKFiles other than the names and addresses of any mentioned person who is still living.

in politics •  7 years ago 


2017-10-28 22.13.34.jpg


I thought I would share this that has just been tweeted by President Donald Trump.

"After strict consultation with General Kelly, the CIA and other Agencies, I will be releasing ALL #JFKFiles other than the names and addresses of any mentioned person who is still living. I am doing this for reasons of full disclosure, transparency and in order to put any and all conspiracy theories to rest."
Credit: twitter/trump

Thanks for reading.


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I doubt they would release anything that makes the gov. look bad. This is just more smoke and mirrors from the deep state.

There is a reason why this is happening and it can summarised in 3 simple words.... "Distributed Ledger Technology". What we are witnessing is simply the start of the Great Unwind that will last the best part of the next decade. What we are witnessing is no coincidence but is being played strictly by the book. Expect to see this kind of news over the next 5-7 years..!! Stephen

#Blockchain Technology

Shared on twitter. Stephen

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Amazing. Will the real assassin/s please stand up!

I would be really suprised if any new clues about the shooter would lead to new developments and news about this. But I certainly applaud the gesture

This last part is concerning, and may point to yet another whitewash. "in order to put any and all conspiracy theories to rest."

I suspect it is. Trump is not going to risk a similar end as Kennedy. Now it will be something like: it is what it is because I said so. Most governments are a scam. And most lie, so Trump says: 'full disclosure.' But he's probably saying: 'And you will all buy it, because now it's all true and this way you can all stop questioning it. We'll throw some more fluoride and toxins at you, that way we'll be sure to dumb you down completely.'

ohh great..plss back

Says the guy who got elected because of crazy conspiracy theories...😂
Now he wants to put an end to the JFK conspiracies? Hmmphhtt. I don't believe anything the government says. No matter who the boss is.