Truthseekereport Tries, Fails to Defame Me on Steemit

in politics •  7 years ago 

Remember that time that Buzzfeed tried to use an already woefully inaccurate Rationalwiki article to pretend I was a holocaust denier? Or the time I was labeled a conspiracy theorist by the Wall Street Journal in an article that claimed (wrongly) that Youtube algorithms favor kooks and extremists, instead of the sub-PG13 priority creators actually favored by all search and notification systems on all big tech sites?

Mostly, propaganda of this kind aimed at alt media figures comes from establishment forces- literally for fiscal purposes. They can't compete with people whose cost-to-result ratio is a hundred times better than theirs (Salon famously had to relocate and downgrade while the NYT and CNN have both made cuts.) Sometimes though it comes from religious zealots or independent but propagandistic opportunists, aimed especially at other independent creators, either for strictly religious or sometimes competitive reasons.

So when I saw that some days ago a little ditty about me was posted here by a user named truthseekereport, I was mildly amused Here we see an ostensibly independent voice making literally the same mistakes as the lamestream moron media figures at such dumb outlets as Buzzfeed, while occupying an entirely different niche altogether.

I might have saved him the trouble of his overly long and verbally obtuse article by pointing out that the video he refers to is almost a decade old (much like Rationalwiki claims I am a holocaust revisionist because of a six year old, edited clip from a video I already explained a half dozen times, notably in my chat with Buntyking) and that my political and religious views have changed dramatically since then- any acceptance of globalism I had in the past has gone the way of the dinosaur as I've seen Europe begin to collapse under the weight of the EU and the ongoing decrepitude of the former liberal movement (which was then against war and supposedly against surveillance and abuse) as it has morphed into a bizarre combination of the worst aspects of temperance era moralism twain with socialist alt leftism.

I might have saved him the trouble of defending his indefensible claim of me supporting neoconservatism (a pro war, high tax ideology championed by morons like John McCain) or the trouble of defending his bizarre segue into falling into the ever problematic dichotomy of Israel/judaism and Palestine/islam. To this individual, I apparently applaud the former (in the face of all evidence and years of criticism of expansionist policy under Netanyahu and his ilk) because I dislike islamic ideology at the fundamental level of its actual canonical content, or because I acknowledge the problematic nature of theocracy and how it has infected half the majority-islamic world.

I don't pretend to care, particularly, what this users motivation is in attacking me since like the legacy media he has reverted to the use of only the most primitive methods of propaganda- especially the ever-prized act of dredging out age-old content when no recent, contemporary material on any platform would actually support his inane diatribe.

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See now that's some funny shit! HAHA
An ironic \m/ to you dude

On that note its pretty weird to someone doing stuff like that on this kind of platform. But I support his right to do so. Its just none of the other aspects of the lame stream media can really work on an immutable public ledger with no chance of censorship. Its silly to go down that path because non of the other supporting fundamentals to make that kind of propaganda work are present. You cant deny what you said 5 years from now. You cant silence people who poke holes in your criticism. You cant take it down after X amount of time.

If you cant cultivate an echo chamber then you will be fucked trying to lead people to extremist political positions. Most people will just become moderates and look at you like a dumb ass who lied about something. :/

Could not agree more. I've been centrist for a very long time, and have been called a nazi for simply sharing a Styx video. And for a very long time my German VPN wouldn't even allow access to Styx's videos. For some reason Germany/YouTube changed this , this year. And his channel is visible and watchable from Germany.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It's clearly an attention grab. I wouldn't worry about it unless you pissed off some whale on here. From what I gather the whales are huge fans of YouTubers coming onto this platform and putting in hard work.

Gets me thinking of that old saying about how you know you are over a target when you start taking flak.

I despise people that use links like rationalwiki (wikipedia itself is getting worse), snopes, politifact, or any other similar resource that tries to tell people what to think, or pretending to be some sort of authority.

Thinking back, was never a fan of B. Clinton, so I was a fascist. Then I hated Bush, so I became a commie. Then, under Obama I became a fascist again...

Those that remain logically consistent are often those most heavily attacked by the unscrupulous on both sides of the issues.

It's because of those with similar attitudes to yourself that we are now winning today.

It seems to me they may be a little jealous of your success and are trying to use your popularity as a way to get some notoriety for themselves. Looks like an epic fail from where I am sitting.