Mental Bubble Gum: What The Hell Is Going On?

in politics •  7 years ago 

Luckily for me, what goes on in the circus of politics and world affairs doesn't really affect my day to day. My current profession is pretty much "government proof!"


And I do pretty good job of not allowing myself to get pulled into the daily battle zone of "What has Trump done now?"

I didn't vote for him or Clinton... (or anybody for that matter). Mainly because I figured it probably didn't matter who's in office.


I actually gave Trump the benefit of the doubt when he was "given the job." Even though:

  • Being RIDICULOUSLY unqualified
  • Having the temperament of a frat boy
  • Pandering to an "undesirable element of society"
  • Accusations (and proof) of sexist and predatory behavior

(I'm going stop it there because this list can on for 3 more post!)

But even with all of that, I still wanted to see what he would do and how he would handle the position of "Commander In Chief!"

And wow, talk about shitting the bed!

I'm not going to list how badly this administration has been. I'm not going to talk about his backwards decisions about Trans and gay people. Him defending a Klan protest. I'm not going to get into how much he's divided, not just the country, but daily hurts our standing with the rest of the world (except Russia... go figure?)!

But right now, demanding the U.N. play by "his rules?" Posturing in the media about "destroying a country" like he's in some 80's action movie! (Seriously?)

At what point, if you are a supporter of his do you say "maybe I fucked here?" Or "this is NOT what I voted for!"

Or is that the need to feel like you're sticking it to the other side enough to overlook GLARING WARNING SIGNS?

Seriously though, funny GIFS aside, let me clue you in on the bigger picture if it isn't clear:


You don't make threats like that if you are not able or willing to back it up!

People lives are at stake. And this president has more than proven that he is willing to act on his own regardless of consequence!

For the first time in my life, I am actually concerned about our safety as a society. I don't trust he knows at all what he's doing, and those around him that do know are too afraid of loosing their jobs to grow a backbone and challenge him!

We don't get another chance at this! There's no "emergency planet" for us to escape to! This is it. And the leaders who are responsible for WORLD ENDING WEAPONS should have more going for them than:

"At least he's not PC!"

Anyway my lovelies, Like I said, I hate politics, but I do care about the world. And unfortunately the "FUCKERY" that is happening is becoming inescapable!

Just thoughts to chew on!

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Very well said @suicidalviral. I never thought that we would ever be in the predicament that we are in now. The "fuckery" is already inescapable. I'm experiencing and seeing a racial divide that I never saw happening in 2017. I'm definitely not pleased with the way other world leaders view our leader...and for the life of me, I'm totally not understanding why his twitter account has not been deactivated or blocked! I'm used to the left and right going back and forth with each other...but what gives with the Commander In Chief denigrating his own party, cabinet members and staffers?!? I'm not even going to touch the "Rocket Man" issue right now...I guess I have to close out my comment with the way you started yours..."What In The Hell Is Going On?

Scary times we're in right now! There's not of enough weed or whiskey to tune it out!