
in politics •  7 years ago 

By Curt Maynard
I have long thought about writing this article but hesitated because I didn’t want the reader to conclude that I believed that all Jews are complicit in what amounts to a vast conspiracy to undermine western civilization and establish a Talmudic centered one world government. However, times have changed, and I feel obligated to write this and post it on the last bastion of freedom of speech, the Internet - before even that, in its present form is made unavailable to mankind.
Of course all Jews aren’t engaged in this nefarious plan, but unfortunately most of them will come to the aid of those who are.
There are some exceptions, on occasion one will criticize another, but
as a rule, those who are in a position to publicly denounce one of
their own are still pro-Israel/pro-Zionist in orientation. A Jewish
conservative talk show host named Michael Savage recently condemned
George Soros, a multinational Jewish Supremacist, for engaging in the
kind of activities that according to Savage led to (an alleged) holocaust more
than sixty years ago. In a sense Savage is right, Soros is exactly the
kind of Jew that inspired Germans to wake up and democratically elect
Adolf Hitler in 1933, the financial shenanigans Soros engages in
today, are pretty much the same thing German Jews were engaged in
prior to the Second World War. Unfortunately, Savage can’t be looked
at as good either; he’s a hard core Zionist and an
Israeli apologist, blindly towing the line for this little provocateur
no matter what it does.
This little spat between Soros and Savage illustrates an important point and one I intend to thoroughly expand on in the next few pages. Savage is allegedly a “right wing” Jew and Soros is allegedly a leftist, both are Jewish, both have a voice, both have a platform, Savage’s is talk radio and Soros speaks through various organizations, like and whatever else his money and influence buys. You won’t hear any non-Jewish critics of Israel on the radio, television or on - they have no voice, no platform, not in the mainstream media anyway. The networks have gotten to the point where when Israel and/or Middle Eastern affairs are discussed; the experts and analysts are introduced, and they may as well be referred to as Jew #1, Jew #2 and Jew #3. I can’t tell you how sick it makes me when Fox News, the allegedly “fair and balanced,” network introduces Charles Krauthammer and William Crystal to their viewers as if either could possibly offer an unbiased opinion when it comes to Israel and/or organized Jewry, both are in every sense of the word Jewish Supremacists.

Jews are today so over represented, so disproportionately prevalent, in just about every facet of American life, despite composing a very small numerical percentage of our population that I no longer believe, as I once did, that most people aren’t aware of it. Sure there are a few, busily engaged in acquiring as much money as possible, or watching American Idol, or engrossed in video games and MTV, that they aren’t fully awake, but in my opinion, for the most part anyway, those that deny the reach and omnipresence of Jewish influence in America today are either ignorant, delusional and/or complicit.

One recent phenomenon that finally encouraged me to write, “It’s the Jews Stupid,” is this incredible short sighted and moronic tendency to compare George Bush to Adolf Hitler, or to bring up George’s grandfathers alleged relationship with the Nazi’s and to somehow suggest that this alleged relationship proves Bush is himself is a Nazi. This ridiculous theory is advanced by the same folks that suppress the abundance of evidence implicating the Israelis and a complicit and predominantly Jewish media in what happened in NYC and at the Pentagon on 9-11, people like Greg Szymanski, who by the way claims to live in a very small Idaho community known as Spirit Lake, but like his theories, this too is a lie, my mother lives in Spirit lake; and Szymanski doesn’t. Szymanski also loves to implicate a so called “Black Pope,” in every nefarious incident that has occurred over the last several decades; I can’t tell you who or exactly what this “Black Pope,” is, as I don’t bother to read Szymanski’s crap, he’s a moron and a crude propagandist, who would like to misdirect his readers attention to ludicrous ideas like Bush is a Nazi and/or a servant of this nebulous Black Pope. I have written Szymanski several times and pointed out to him that “it’s the Jews stupid,” but he refuses to respond to my missives, preferring instead to continue his pointless and misleading rants. I have since concluded that Szymanski isn’t just a fool, he’s a hired gun, and agent provocateur, granted, not a very good one, but one nevertheless.

Most Jews actively participate in covering up the crimes of their criminal co-religionists, which makes them complicit to a certain extent. Anytime anyone mentions that Jews are disproportionately represented in the United States government, in the American media, in academics, in the medical profession, in banking, which in fact they are, they are met with a coordinated assault by an incredible number of Jews, most of whom aren’t guilty of committing any actual crimes, who seek to silence them with various labels, i.e. anti-Semite, bigot, racist, etc.

George Bush chose a Jew named Bernenke to replace another Jew named Alan Greenspan as the head of the Federal Reserve, a position that is without question perhaps one of the most powerful and influential positions in government today. In the words of Joseph Goebbels’ if Hitler were to have done something like that after the German people had suffered through a decade of hyperinflation, and the deprivation so associated, the German people would have “boxed their ears.”[1]

Goebbels’ was somewhat of a prophet pariah, he understood organized Jewry like few Americans do today, he understood that their collective calls of anti-Semitism directed at the Nazi leadership and indeed the German people themselves was a technique they had successfully used, even perfected, in order to advance their interests while at the same time suppressing any dissent from the gentile majority. We see this same technique at work today, all around the world, anytime anyone honestly divulges the actions of a Jew in some crime; they are immediately smeared with the label of “anti-Semitism.” This is not a recent phenomenon, it has nothing to do with Zionism, as Noam Chomsky might suggest, it is an ageless technique developed by Jewry over an extended period of time, as evidenced by one entry Goebbels’ made in his diary during the Second World War, more than sixty years ago…

What the majority of the people in the world want is to live free of the Jewish yoke, whether that yoke be of an economic nature, and/or one of a socio-political-cultural character. In the following entry Goebbels’ notes something that is becoming evident today - many Jews are becoming aware of the fact that non-Jews are beginning to scrutinize some uncomfortable facts that implicate Jews as being behind a great deal of the issues that most effect them - this is getting harder to cover up, people are beginning to notice that Jews are disproportionately represented in the areas of life that the non-Jewish majority is most concerned with, and that is the degeneracy of western culture, the degeneracy of American culture, the degradation of Christian values, the collapse of the American educational system and the rape of our economy. In their haste to cover up their involvement in these areas, Jews are exposing themselves as they never have before, and because of this Americans now know that Jews dominate Hollywood, the media in all its facets, our economy, our judicial process and in many respects our very government. Once again, this is nothing new, Jews had attempted the very same thing in Germany after the First World War and in France, and in Poland, and in Spain - in fact ethnic Jews have been tossed out of more countries, not for their faith as they today allege, but because of their collective behavior, than any other ethnic group in history. Despite what your history professor will tell you about their ejection from Spain under Ferdinand and Isabella, it had nothing to do with the fact that they weren’t Catholic and everything to do with their behavior - they intentionally enslaved the Spanish people under their usurious yolk, they absolutely, without any doubt whatsoever ushered in the Moorish invaders from Africa and as a result they unquestionably committed treason, and the Spanish people knew it. It is for these reasons and no others that the Jews were ejected from Spain and you can bet there wasn’t a moist eye to be found among the Spanish victims…

If it weren’t for the fact that the media is in a Jewish stranglehold, Americans would know that five Israeli’s were arrested on 9-11 after they were witnessed filming the impacts of the airliners into the World Trade Centers while laughing, joking and clapping one another on the backs in a congratulatory manner. These Israeli Jews were also deported back to Israel without informing the American people that they had even been arrested, let alone what their behavior was purported to have been. If the American media wasn’t under the direct control of Jews, the American people would know that an American Jew named Yehuda Abraham was arrested in 2003 for conspiring to sell Russian made surface to air missiles to undercover FBI agents posing as Al Qaeda operatives with the understanding that these missiles would be used on American civilian airliners in the continental United States.

The fact is, we don’t know whether the above named Jews are in fact Zionists, or even sympathetic with the Zionist cause, but we do know they are ethnic Jews and we know their names, identities, and actions are being hidden from the people of the United States, with the express intent of deceiving Americans into believing that Israel is their ally.

It’s the Jews stupid!
It doesn’t matter whether Jews appear to be leftists like Alan Dershowitz or Noam Chomsky, or whether they appear to be “right wingers,” like former leftist David Horowitz, or Michael Savage, or Norman Podhoretz, William Kristol or Charles Krauthammer, they inevitably are intent on advancing what cannot be considered anything other than Jewish interests. Concepts like liberalism and conservatism are nothing more than angles to them to be manipulated and mastered for the advancement of Jewish interests as a collective whole. A perfect example of this incestuous predilection is how Jews on both the right and left look upon the criminal Oligarchs of Russia and their criminal acquisition of Russia’s entire infrastructure in the 1990s for pennies on the dollar. The Russian people led by their President, Vladimir Putin, have recently indicted several Jewish Oligarchs for this monumental theft, most of the indicted have escaped to refuse in Israel and/or Britain, nonetheless their assets in Russia have been appropriated, rightfully it might be added, and their ill acquired fortunes have suffered as a result. So what does organized Jewry do? They pull every string they can, they exert their unbelievable collective influence upon various members of Congress in an effort to get them to condemn the Russian government as anti-democratic, they compel President Bush to support the condemnations, they lobby anyone and everyone they can in an effort to enable these Jewish thieves to retain their stolen monies and property. You won’t see any articles written by Jews condemning the Oligarch’s for stealing billions from the Russian people, but you’ll see plenty of articles written by Jews condemning Putin and the Russian people for protesting the fact that they have been ripped off. We don’t really know if these Oligarch’s are Zionists and/or sympathetic to the Zionist cause. We do however know that they are ethnic Jews and that they quickly became Capitalists, despite having lived in a communist country for the majority of their lives, after the collapse of the USSR. Fortunately we know today that the Oligarch’s of Russia were financed by ethnic Jews in America, and that their primary apologists today are the very same American Jews - so once again, despite the smoke and mirrors of the all too predictable boogeyman of Zionism, “it’s the Jews stupid,” not their latest “ism.”

Lenard Lieberman,[4] Vice President of Clear Channel Communications, one of the largest if not the largest corporate owners of radio stations across the United States, launched a billboard advertisement campaign in California a year or so ago, which claimed that Los Angeles was in Mexico, not California. The reaction was predictable, millions of Americans reacted negatively to the billboards, immediately demanding that they be taken down, which predictably led to catcalls of racism, and then the media just as predictably brought forward all kinds of pro-Mexican radicals that claimed California was part of Mexico and those that disputed this claim were racists.

Hispanic front men for Lieberman and spokespeople for Clear Channel insisted that only “racists” wanted the signs taken down and stated against all opposition that the signs would remain up and for about a week they did. Initially the reactionary American population blamed Mexicans and Hispanics, it was only after an extensive Internet investigation that the facts came out - a Jewish vice president of Clear Channel named Lenard Lieberman was the brains behind the advertising campaign and had ordered the signs erected. Once this information was posted on the Internet, the signs immediately came down, overnight in fact. The media dropped the entire matter and not another word about the billboards has since been heard on American airwaves. Lieberman probably isn’t a “leftist” radical, considering that he’s the vice president of a large American Capitalist corporation, we don’t know whether or not he’s a Zionist, but we know he’s a Jew, and we can see by his surreptitious behavior that he was far more interested in fomenting division than he was in creating unity. The fact is, organized Jewry is the main impetus behind both legal and illegal immigration into western nations - those that dispute this absolute fact are once again, either, stupid, delusional, and/or complicit. Jews love to play all sides, as a matter a fact they are masters at it, by doing so they hope to control the agendas of any organizations that might one day challenge the established kosher order. Remember Cindy Sheehan? Ms. Sheehan is essentially a leftist who got it right when she sent a letter to a major news network stating that her son joined the Army to protect the United States of America, not Israel, her fame grew exponentially just preceding that letter and in it’s immediate aftermath - she showed up at Bush’s ranch in Texas demanding to see the traitor, all of the networks provided coverage, but someone got to Cindy and convinced her to retract her statement concerning Israel.

The entire immigration fiasco in America today is completely dominated by ethnic Jews, they ensure that no restrictive legislation is made into law and when individuals like the Minutemen form into groups and become a little too popular they start cranking out the media propaganda and the all to common denunciations of bigotry, and/or they get their front men, people like George Bush, to accuse the Minutemen of vigilantism. Fortunately few Americans take that fool seriously any longer - they have basically pegged him for what he is, a damnable traitor. So how do the Jews accomplish all this? Consider the following:

The Jewish-Latino relationship is now viewed as an absolute priority for our [Jewish] community, said American Jewish Committee Washington, DC, area director David Bernstein. “We see them [Hispanics] as increasingly active politically and more and more willing to work with coalition partners in achieving our collective goals.” The phenomenon has been emerging in the last five to ten years. Groups such as the American Jewish Committee and the Jewish Community Council have been forming coalitions with organizations such as the National Council of La Raza and the League of United Latin American Citizens.[5]

So how do the Jews exploit their relationship with minorities?
David Horowitz was once a fairly well known Jewish leftist in the 1960s and 1970s. He has since “converted,” to neo-conservatism, which isn’t that much of an ideological leap believe it or not, the neo-cons are really nothing more than left leaning Trotskyites with an alleged “right wing,” foreign policy outlook, which is just another way of saying they support the state of Israel even at the expense of their host country the United States of America…

“Unfortunately most people aren’t aware of the fact that Israel preemptively attacked the Arab states on June 5, 1967, not the other way around. This is what I would refer to as “kosher revisionism,” and it is quite common in the world today, as a matter a fact, it’s the norm. Historical revisionism has developed a bad name primarily because kosher revisionism rules the airwaves, radio and television; ethnic Jews have a near monopoly on the media in all its forms, and for that reason, lies like Horowitz’s go unnoticed by most people. Horowitz predictably sets up his “admission,” i.e. that Jews were disproportionately represented in the black civil rights movement by first prostrating himself in such a way as to fool the reader into believing that he, Horowitz, was only able to influence Newton, because Newton, the black man in the relationship, felt that Horowitz was an equal. Many people will laugh at the very idea that a Jew would consider any black to be an equal - as a rule, Jews loathe blacks more than they do whites, but they find that exploiting blacks is advantageous to the advancement of their agenda, and it is for this reason, and no other, that they associate with blacks.”[7]

Later in his autobiography, Horowitz again reinforces the above lie by reiterating it, but in a slightly different manner, but doing so with the same goal in mind, to convince his reader of a lie, i.e. that the Arabs attacked the Israelis in 1967 and to simultaneously smear Arab/Muslims in general.

Once again, the Israeli’s preemptively attacked the Arabs on June 5, 1967, not the other way around, Horowitz isn’t confused, he knows this, but he is compelled to lie in order to fabricate history - a most common Jewish trait and one they have only been able to get away with because of their strategic stranglehold on the media and the publishing industry.

The fact is, Zionism is racist, it is inherently racist, far more so than anything of the old Jim Crow variety. Judaism itself is a racist religion, it’s obvious enough, the entire foundation of Judaism rests on the idea that Jews are a “chosen people,” and the term “people” connotes race and “chosen,” connotes exclusivity - put the two together and you inevitably get “racism.” A no-brainer really - but an idea that Jews have successfully kept hidden from the Goyim cattle.

At this point, let us get serious. Let us reject, at least momentarily, the knee-jerk reaction to dismiss what is written below based upon our emotional response to it. Let us consider carefully the facts, let us then consider what they might mean, and in the end, let us consider what the ultimate ramifications of these facts may be in our not too distant future. When I ask for instance, what group, more so than any other distinguishable group, was responsible for the Bolshevik Revolution, and I then answer that question by saying, “it’s the Jews stupid,” don’t reject it as an arbitrary response; it isn’t arbitrary, it’s an empirical fact, and one that can be easily proven if the reader chooses to cast aside his or her emotional response and to engage in a few hours of research.
What distinct group has been ejected from more counties over the last two millennia than any other group? It’s the Jews stupid.
What distinct group has led more radical subversive movements within their host nations than any other distinguishable group? It’s the Jews stupid.
What group has consistently avoided military service, especially in the front lines, than any other group? It’s the Jews stupid.[9]
What group more so than any other has always had its patriotism questioned? It’s the Jews stupid.
What specific ethnic/religious group more so than any other has consistently sought to ensnare and then exploit native populations under the yolk of usury?
What ethnic/religious group dominates international finance? It’s the Jews stupid.
What ethnic group dominates the media in Europe and North America?
It’s the Jews stupid.
What ethnic group dominates Hollywood? It’s the Jews stupid.[10]
What ethnic group has done more to subvert true scientific inquiry in the sciences than any other - imbedding themselves in the disciplines of psychology, sociology and anthropology - and doing so in such a way as to hijack them and completely and totally politicize them? It’s the Jews stupid.[11]
What ethnic group gave us “multiculturalism,” and followed that up with an indoctrination program that reinforced this divisive farce by reaching right into our job place, homes and schools via compulsory “diversity” and “tolerance,” training programs and presentations? It’s the Jews stupid.[12]
Who brought us “Judeo-Christianity,” a concept that erroneously amalgamates two distinctly different and diametrically opposed religious and cultural views? It’s the Jews stupid.[13] …
What ethnic group has perpetrated one of the greatest frauds on mankind in the form of the so-called “holocaust?” It’s the Jews stupid! [This is an important point - please see associated footnote][14]
What ethnic group dominates the Russian mafia? It’s the Jews stupid.
What ethnic group dominates the pornography industry? It’s the Jews stupid.
What ethnic group is more responsible than any other for the ongoing sex slave trade? It’s the Jews stupid.
Members of what ethnic group intentionally attacked an American ship in 1967 named the USS Liberty, in what amounted to an act of war against the United States of America and then used their co-ethnics in the United States to cover that fact up? It’s the Jews stupid.
Members of what ethnic group sought to bomb American assets in Cairo Egypt in the 1950s and blame it on the Arabs in an attempt to frame them and convince Americans to financially and militarily support the Zionist state? It’s the Jews stupid.[15]
What group more than any other has sought to undermine Christian values and western civilization in an effort to divide and conquer? It’s the Jews stupid.
What ethnic group was overly represented in the junk bond scandals of the 1980s? It’s the Jews stupid.[16]
Members of what ethnic group were deeply involved in the Enron scandal but were able to utilize the Jewish medias influence and access to the American mind in such a way as to nearly eliminate their role? It’s the Jews stupid.[17]
What ethnic group in America has mobilized itself through its organized efforts to force Americans to accept the continuing flood of illegal immigrants from the Third World? It’s the Jews stupid. [Most recently manifested by the efforts of the ADL and the SPLC]
This list could go on and on, it would require a tomb the size of Moby Dick to encompass the many crimes ethnic Jews have committed against Gentiles just in the last decade. The point of writing this isn’t to convince readers that every Jew is deeply entwined in a plot to subvert Gentile society, but that Judaism is not a peaceful religion that seeks to coexist in harmony with non-Jews, the fact is Judaism is first and foremost a “supremacist” religion that advocates the dominance over non-Jews.

Unless Gentiles become aware of the fact that Zionism is nothing but Jewish Supremacism’s latest “ism,” preceded in the past by many others, i.e. feminism, communism, and that these “ism’s” are nothing more than tactics used in a grand strategy to weaken our will and western civilization itself, we’ll never get to the heart of the problem at hand, we’ll continue to fight wars for the Jews, to kill for the Jews, to arrest and incarcerate people for the Jews, to suppress the right to free expression for the Jews, etc. etc. ad infinitum. The time to liberate ourselves is now.

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