Democracy is the worst, or at least a very bad government system

in politics •  6 years ago 

Hello Steemians! This is my very first post here. To get started I want to share with you my english version of this post I wrote around May on my personal blog: Tadex's Blog (in spanish). So, here we go:

If dictatorship can't be considered better thand democracy, I consider that the democratic model is really wrong, in democracy we choose the people that will have control over all country resources and that will rule that nation in a way that I consider erratic, specially If we compare this approach of choosing with the way in which we choose "normal" people for absolutely all life fields.

To explain better the social process of choosing, let's start in the basis: the academy, when we talk about academy, specially about university degrees, there are thousands of aptitude tests, and everyone that want to go to study must be proficient to do that, part of this proficiency is related to costs and monetary effort to pay for education, but is not only a matter of money, it requires to show a solid knowledge basis to just enter. Once you are in, the next challenge is to stay and finally the more prepared individuals, in a reasonable amount of time, may obtain their degree.

Up to this point, we faced a hard filtering and selection process where the more "alfa", more persistant or simply the strongest are which reach their goals. But, guess what, now is the turn for the next level of competition: the working market, here the best ones that finished their careers must be prepared to obtain a good position or they should be capable of use in a smart way their knowledge and skills to make their own bussiness or enterpreneurship.

On the other hand, we have the politicians and the people that we choose to govern us (if we belong to a democtratic country) How this selection process is done? Simple, this process is done by the masses, by popularity, by the charisma shown or by thousand reasons that are not following the pattern that I described about the social process of choosing, in wich every single individual is boxed commonly.

Why for something so crucial as govern an entire nation we are not so rigurous? The social structures should have a very sophisticated mechanism to meassure the suficiency of any individual that wants to be president, governor, mayor, etc. All them should be submitted to a bench of tests, challenges and clashes, that make them deserve the positions that they're looking for, because maybe those are the more important positions that an entire country may have, how is it possible that they may be choosen without a minimum of qualifications?

The process to choose a president, in my opinion, must be the hardest challenge, the more complex, it should be the hardest postion that anyone may look for, and the few (or maybe much people), that think about being president, must know that it won't be easy to be on that position, because they will face a tremendous selection process and they must be aware of the duties and responsabilities they must assume.

To sumarize, the day in wich our societies choose their governors by the proficiency of their candidates instead of by their popularity, that day this few nations may be able to build really good and quality governs for their citizens and they will become models for the world!

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I don't know of a better alternative. That's the rub.

Well I'm kind of making a proposition of alternative: change the way we choose our candidates in democratic countries, or simply create a different government model

Aristotle’s "Politics" deals about with these perversions of democracy. In fact, he only comes to consider it the least bad of the worst goverment systems. If you read him, you will see that he points out other bad things of democracy besides the ones you mention in your article.
In any case, what you mention is very interesting.

The worst system except for all the others, as Churchill once said.

The point is: why our world is not capable to create a better democracy or just create a completely different government system, we are in the 21st century, human beings must evolve not only on military or tech stuff...

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Shure! ;)