You're right in a lot of ways about crafting an image. Really though, where are you getting your image from? It seems to absolutely come from a right-wing perspective.
[Obama] plunged the economy
No. The economy crashed under Bush, recovered under Obama and is continuing to recover under Trump. (So far.)
Here are the GDP and Unemployment graphs, note they crash starting in 2007 under Bush and continue into 2009 where they turn around under Obama. Copied these from
made literally the same decisions about war
What "same decisions?" He didn't start any, in fact he ended the Iraq war but is legitimately criticized for ending it too early which led to the rise of ISIS.
carbon emissions and the like
Trump's EPA literally repealed Obama's Carbon Emissions legislation:
In fact, Trump (and the Tea Party's) agenda for the first year was to undo as much of Obama as possible so it's hard to see how they made "the same decisions" about much of anything.
There is not much to hate about the actions of Trump.
There is plenty to hate about his actions:
Repealing carbon emissions legislation
Trade wars have cost US farmers over 12 billion
Tariff's have increased prices and driven companies out of business
Separating families at the border, and no Obama did not do the same thing
Put a person in charge of the Department of Education who admitted to paying for the position
Allowed mining waste to be dumped into lakes and rivers
Repealed Net Neutrality
(Corollary of that is his staffing of various departments with people opposed to the department's mission or with conflicts of interest.)
Constant golf trips to his own resorts where he profits off the government money spent
That's mostly off the top of my head, and before you get into things where opinions might really differ (like pardoning Joe Arpaio) or allegations about Russia.
focusing on bringing jobs back and stop all that interventionist bullshit.
This is where the image is crafted. He constantly, or at least in between ranting about "fake news," claims he's bringing jobs back. But job growth has slowed down under Trump. To be fair, it has rightfully slowed down because it was already near the maximum.
Interventionist bullshit?
Seems like he's still mired in Syria the way Obama was mired in Iraq.
But still. He is an asshole right? There is nothing to like about his character and really, who cares in this time and age about **honesty and sincerity? **
Honesty and sincerity? This is the administration who gave us "alternative facts." Whose second press secretary admitted to lying on the President's behalf. Whose lawyer claimed "truth isn't truth."
This is the guy whose own tweets constantly contradict themselves, and who will tweet about how great people are one day then attack them the next.
There is nothing sincere about Trump.
In my experience, the people who care about security are those who are associated more with koumbaya
Pretty sure those aren't the people Trump is appealing to with his "build the wall" rhetoric.
In fact, it's those rednecks you mentioned who want the wall, who keep voting for a bigger military budget, who keep wanting more security and support the wars Republicans start.
This is why the east and west coast are usually the most "left winged" and "security based" voters where the midwest, the rural life goes with more freedom. snip Lifestyle reflects political choices.
Political choices reflect lifestyle. There's more freedom in rural areas because there's more freedom. As in freedom of space.
It's easier not to care what your neighbor is doing when they're a few acres away. People in cities are tripping over each other constantly, they simply need more management and there's an intrinsic understanding of how one's actions can affect others.
Even that freedom in rural areas is touchy though. Ask gay people how free they feel, with their neighbors wanting to ban them from marriage, or even send them to re-education centers to "pray the gay away" with electroshock treatments.