Conspiracy Theories Are Stupid Ass Horsesh!t!

in politics •  9 years ago  (edited)

Here's the latest baseless claim being passed around...
It's a conspiracy theory...that means there are literally no FACTS or ACTUAL EVIDENCE to support it! Also the premise is so asininely stupid it defy's logic...How many people were in on this one? I worked 25 years in television & I can tell you there's NO WAY a green screen could cover the area! These caustic moonwhistlers want you to actually believe this is true? Welcome to Wunderland where streams run backward & time is measured out in seconds to centuries! I used to BE a Conspiracy Theorist!(CT for Short). And I heard them ALL! Like the second plane in 9/11 was digitally altered(The Whopper...Everybody knows it)...Along with a sh!tload TON of magically produced CRAP. All I can ask to those who buy into this is 'Were you dropped on your head as a child?' Good God give the rest of us just a little credit in NOT believing this horsesh!t!

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LOL sometimes they give you a good laugh tho don't they?

@doitvoluntarily ...Oh My God! don't they? Thanks for the Weird Al Pic! It definitely says it all! ...I have to drop acid to actually get THIS DELUSIONAL!

I'm following you too!

@vsmith08162016 are always there for me...I feel I should know you better! Anyway whenever you need something just call on me!