Another display of racism by the UK Labour Party

in politics •  8 years ago 

Once again, Labour have courted the support of far-left anti-Semites.

Rabid Labour supporters in Bristol erected this banner that shows Theresa May with a Star of David earring.

One the one hand, it's disturbingly similar to Joseph Goebells' famous Nazi propaganda that used the Star of David as a kind of bullseye highlighting Jewish characters in photos and drawings. On the other hand, it's almost comical that these people are pinning Theresa May, a devout Christian and daughter of a Vicar, as some kind of Jewish leader.

If you needed anymore proof, here it is; Labour clearly have a problem with anti-Semitism.

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very good

Thanks man, I despise racism and call it out when I see it.
Have a follow.

yes, you are welcome

Judaism is a race? lmao