Read an interesting political piece and wanted to share some thoughts and a link.

in politics •  7 years ago 

I don't really post politcial pieces, and don't really consider this politics, but more of an opinion. At the end of this year I'll be entering my fifties and I've seen a lot change in society over that time. I watched the fall of the Berlin wall on my TV. Witnessed what we thought was the end of the cold war. For a brief moment it felt like we were headed in the right direction. Maybe, just maybe as a global people we could all get along, forget our petty differences and live in peace.

As a child I barely remember the end of the hippie movement, have vague memories of the seventies disco movement, and head banged and moshed my way through the eighties punk rock and metal movement. My favorite time of all would have to be, hands down the 90's! The Dood absolutely fell in love with Rave culture, alternative rock, and industrial. For me it felt like everything was transforming itself into something new and for once we may have actually all been heading in the right direction. I think many of us had high hopes as to what the new millennium would bring.

I have to admit, I'm just not getting the new millennium. I don't understand our legal system anymore, I don't understand our media, and at this point I really don't understand society anymore. I really think we've all lost our way. Every country, every religion, every government seems to fumbling around in the dark trying to figure out where we go from here.... This to me is absolutely horrifying.

Anyway, not my usual post... I'll leave you with this article from the Guardian. Not my favorite source of information, but thought it was an interesting article nonetheless, and it really made me think and wonder about where we're all heading as a global people, the "human race". For some reason I just felt compelled to share this.

After reading the article, this sound bite instantly came to mind.

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