Top 3 SACRED COWS of Government (Sources & Transcript)

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

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To understand who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.
♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡

Number 3 – Teachers

Public school teachers are one of the most well-known sacred cows of government.

This notoriety should come as no surprise as there are over 50 million children in public schools spending 12 years in front of school teachers, amounting to over 14,000 total classroom hours. With over 3 million public school teachers teaching in the U.S., it would be difficult to find anyone who has not interacted at some point in their lives with a public school teacher.

Because teachers have such a direct influence on the minds of the young and are instilling the mandates of government curriculum, the government places extra special emphasis on propagandizing the nobility of what teachers do through titles of authority, award ceremonies, and other appreciation events. In this, the government hopes to curtail scrutiny of the schooling process by associating criticism of the schooling environment with criticism of teachers themselves.

In return, teachers often will shift responsibility for their own actions with controlling students by saying that they must follow the state’s rules, standards, and progression. They might even chime in and note that they don’t always like it, but they have no choice in the matter.

This “passing the buck” in the school indoctrination process is meant to ensure that blame can be shifted away from the teacher’s individual responsibility for their actions taken, and, instead, to a generalization of “the system at large.”

By relying on the perceived authority of teachers, the system of schooling perpetuates as teachers shame, punish, and label students in conformity to the government’s standards of permissible discourse. Teachers often choose to continue the system because they value the steady paycheck over speaking out against the nature of schooling, even if they are uncomfortable with many aspects. Any teachers who buck the system are swiftly black-balled and labelled as bad apples.

By associating the authority of teachers with the validity of government-imposed school, the government has created an emotionally charged manipulation with which to control the minds of children.

Number 2 – Police

There are over 18,000 federal, state, county, and local agencies employing over 750,000 officers in the United States.
What makes police officers such a critical sacred cow of government is that, without them, government officials could not carry out their schemes of mass extortion. As government officials do not themselves commit the physical acts of theft and cronyism, they must send men with guns to do their bidding. Police officers are vested with an apparent authority to use violence in ways that regular people would not be able to without themselves being considered criminals.

To encourage celebration of police, local governments host parades, awards ceremonies, and school events featuring police officers to shape the perception that police officers are fundamentally noble, upstanding, and a proper authority.

In addition to adulation, the government gives officers sovereign immunity protection and internal investigation procedures to ensure that police can hide abuse from the public eye.

With this combination, public scrutiny on laws and police actions are silenced through emotional manipulation.

Speaking out against the nature of police brutality or police enforcing laws with no victims is met with an emotionally charged response that such criticism is nothing more than "hating on police."

The individual responsibility for police to employ independent ethical thinking is met with the cries of the Nuremberg Trial defense, “I’m just following orders.”

By making police a sacred cow that is effectively above the law, government has created a class of persons who can rob, steal, and murder with impunity.

Number 1 – The Military

The U.S. military is the most precious sacred cow of government. There are over 2.2 million active and reserve personnel in the U.S. armed forces, spread across more than 800 bases in 130 countries. Military expenditure exceeds half a trillion dollars on an annual basis and growing.

In addition to the military’s physical presence, the government works to make sure that the military has a significant psychological presence as well, spending money both in direct advertising and Hollywood film propaganda to ensure that the U.S. population is fully engaged with the government’s goals for military conquest.

In 2011 alone, the military spent some 600 million dollars on advertisement in TV, radio, print, web, mail campaigns, pamphlets, and movie theater trailers.

In 2017, Doctor Matthew Alford, teaching fellow at the University of Bath, along with journalist Tom Secker, wrote a book titled, National Security Cinema: The Shocking New Evidence of Government Control in Hollywood. In this book, Alford and Secker note that, based on Freedom of Information Act requests, the CIA has been active in over 800 films and 1,000 network television series, propagandizing military goals to the public. This intent to influence can be readily seen as the CIA has a public-facing Entertainment Industry Liaison department just for this purpose.

These kinds of propaganda campaigns are not limited to upping enlistment numbers for active duty, but are used to seed in the political wishes of those in power.

For example, the military promoted the Navy as the world’s police in their campaign called, “A Global Force for Good,” where trailers and billboards displayed advertisements of Navy crews overseas with that global initiative mantra.
In film and television, the CIA’s influence can be seen in titles such as Alias, 24, Homeland, Argo, and Zero Dark Thirty, which glorify the deep state violating civil liberties for the supposed "greater good."

The reason why the military is so heavily venerated is simple: to turn away any criticism of foreign policy into an emotional reaction that someone hates America.

In effect, by calling soldiers heroes, the government seeks to make it so that criticism of foreign policy is a matter of deeming soldier’s actions as unheroic.

Troop worship is critical for government to keep people from making judgments about government war policy.

Now that you know more about the sacred cows of government, I want to emphasize what is important to take away from this discussion. The fact of the matter, is that there are many people with good intentions who become teachers, join the police force, or enlist with the military; people with loved ones whose goal was to help protect those they love, and foster a more peaceful future.

It’s important to recognize the good intentions of those working in these fields, and to communicate accordingly. Maybe, even you are a teacher, police officer, or active soldier, who has been questioning their role and duties.

The first step is to take ownership of your actions. “Just following orders,” is not the excuse of a rational human being. You have a choice, and you can choose to do better and live more ethically. It’s okay that you make mistakes. To learn from those mistakes and build an ethical future, your individual responsibility must come first so that, as an individual, you can take control over your choices and start moving in a peaceful direction.

Take material steps toward a more peaceful future today. If you are a parent, look into alternatives to public school, like self-directed learning centers and unschooling. If someone you are close to is in law enforcement, encourage them to focus their efforts on crimes with victims, and refuse to arrest people for victimless crimes. If you are in the military or are a veteran, use your experience to speak out against the invasions and interventions across the globe.

If you want to further the healing process, please read the following books as well to help you understand how maximizing consent, and minimizing the initiation of violence, is the key to a truly free, prosperous, and peaceful future:

Healing The Child Within, by Charles L. Whitfield

Nonviolent Communication, by Marshall B. Rosenberg.

Free to Learn, by Peter Gray.

And Swords into Plowshares, by Ron Paul.

~The Pholosopher



Employment Statistics


Employment Statistics

School Presence


Global force for good



Advertisement spending

Entertainment Industry Liaison

CIA Influence notes films

Social Media Manipulation


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Very glad I finally found you here i love your work!

I love this post!

We are largely unaware of the people behind the curtain, and these systems of oppression are key in keeping the curtain firmly in place.

Hey @,

I think if these Top 3 SACRED COWS of Government work in a good way then any country can be succeeded.