in politics •  6 years ago 

Sure Trump is a billionaire and is looking after his interests and comes from wealthy elite background so it should come as no surprise his connections and business interests, that said, he is also nationalist, America first, and as such is in alliance with other nationalists, such as Russia and China, with obvious collaboration between them against the corrupt globalist central bankers.

Why did the G20 central bankers have a meeting recently to figure out how to regulate the cryptocurrency if they are in total control?

Who funded the Cypherpunks group who produced the PGP encryption, Wikileaks, and Bitcoin to name a few?

Are the Pentagon generals behind Trump in their fight against the factions of CIA who are serving the privately controlled globalist central banking Federal Reserve Bank for the control of USA?

US army was used for a long time by the globalist presidents to execute the central banking NWO agenda around the world against the countries who were not or refused to be part of the global central banking system of debt and slavery.

The countries that did become part of it, willingly or not, soon accumulated big national debt to pay for which the social austerity is enforced as personal and public wealth has to be rerouted to pay the hugh interest and principals of the fraudulent economics, draining the nation to only benefit the private network of corporate central banking cartels.

People complain about Trump, I mean, you got to be realistic what the options are. We are not talking about Trump vs Gandhi options here, it was Trump on the side of the nationalist conservative Republican / Pentagon side vs Clinton on the globalist liberal Democrat / CIA, FBI side, those were the options during the elections, so I get it you are pissed that Trump is not perfect but in comparison to what other options, the Clinton Administration? Is that what you think would be a better choice? I am glad the American people made the right choice out of the limited options they had.

Live! Prosper! Be Well!


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When Hitlery goes to jail then I might favor one over another