March 7, 2017 - QAnon Posts

in politics •  7 years ago 

Q is back with several interesting posts today. The two below were ones that were of particular interest to me. For the full archive of posts you can go here.

At approximately 1pm eastern time Q posted the series of questions listed below. The timing of these questions were very interesting given the the recent social media 'purge' going on. Q is essentially telling us that the major social media platforms may actually be controlled by the [C]lowns [I]n [A]merica.

Now as crazy as this sounds I've gotta say I'm beginning more and more to believe this. If you do a quick search on who the major shareholders are in Facebook, Google, and Twitter, you'll find the same major investment firm (vanguard) listed on all three. The interesting thing about Vanguard is that they never disclose who their shareholders are. Plus, if you think about it, these platforms aren't able to generate the return on investment that most investment bankers would expect--- so how do they justify their valuation??? The social media giants advertisements aren't profitable enough to justify their valuations so instead rely on number of users and ability to influence. The reality is that many of these platforms are completely bloated with fake users (aka bots) designed to make topics or people appear to be more important than they actually are. The ability to censor specific topics and monitor people is why these companies are actually worth money, given the recent death of main stream media, this is exactly the type of thing that what the clowns would be interested in.

In this other post Q points out the social media giants are private companies and currently not legally obligated to honor the first amendment. They're free to censor people as they see fit for basically whatever reason they choose. Now these companies aren't dumb but the risk here is that folks will wake up and leave their platforms if they continually censor and oppress people's voices. This in turn would result in lower valuations (and revenue) unless their shareholders or real owners were the ones pulling those strings. In this case Q is telling us that the clowns are the ones pulling these puppet strings allowing the social media giants to continue censoring the internet without fear of losing their valuation. As Q rightly points out, the main stream media is dead and social media is the new platform from which most people get their news. If the powers that be cannot control the message on social media, they've lost total control and will therefore be unable to control the narrative.

What do you think friends? Is my Q interpretation correct? Please leave a comment below letting me know.

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