How To Delete Emails So Even God Cannot Read Them

in politics •  9 years ago  (edited)

Imagine you have some seriously incriminating emails that need to be deleted so even God cannot read them. How would you do that? Well, one option is to use an open-source program called Bleach Bit.

BleachBit quickly frees disk space and tirelessly guards your privacy. Free cache, delete cookies, clear Internet history, shred temporary files, delete logs, and discard junk you didn't know was there. Beyond simply deleting files, BleachBit includes advanced features such as shredding files to prevent recovery, wiping free disk space to hide traces of files deleted by other applications, and vacuuming Firefox to make it faster.

Representative Gowdy, who has been investigating Hillary Clinton's many transgressions, clearly indicates that Clinton's use of BleachBit undermines her claims that she only deleted innocuous "personal" emails from her private server.

If she considered them to be personal, then she and her lawyers had those emails deleted. They didn’t just push the delete button, they had them deleted where even God can't read them.

They were using something called BleachBit. You don't use BleachBit for yoga emails.

When you're using BleachBit, it is something you really do not want the world to see.

So, there is a shining example of how to delete a bunch of emails so neither God nor the FBI can read them. So when you need a great tool for a cover up then remember to use Bleach Bit.

Have any other tips or suggestions? Please let us know in the comments!

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What about the server that holds them though? :/

The funny thing about emails (or any electronic communication) is their are copies stored at both the origination and destination (ie. sender and receiver). In many cases there may be copies made in-between as well.

My question in all this is why didn't the authorities swoop in and take possession of the server before any data could be deleted? If discovery was invoked, why isn't someone in jail for violating rules of discovery?

Don't underestimate my God brah.


Oh crap "Bleach Bit" and Not "Bleach It" should have read more carefully. Now my black cpu is a brilliant shade of white, but it doesn't turn on. Hope emails are only stored on my hard drive and not in the interweb. --- Hmm Shall I run for president?


DBAN ( was brilliant but I have not used it in some time

Okay, you get nicely paid for this. Great. But your advice is just horrible. People better do some research. I hope none of you try to protect real valuable information. You will be busted, following the above advice.

i like the title. hehe even god cannot read it.. hehe i though god knows everything. nice post

I'm not aware of any concept of God which is not eternal, and therefore has full access to past and future events just as if they were the present...

God can't read them anyway because he doesn't exist! Sorry couldn't resist.

Now I'm wondering since when is God reading my email!?
Good post, thanks for sharing!

Well spotted. Would BleachBit work in here though? Isn't our stuff permanent in here? Careful Hillary !

Well I am not sure but I think forensics can still recover it, because the harddisk still keeps the files on them.

It needs to be overwritten multiple times if you really want to erease it.

Or you can just murder anybody that knows or read them like Killary did !!

Yeah what is the body count at now? 4 or 5?? Disgusting

Oh no much more than that, there is a list somewhere, its maybe more hundreds no joke !! I mean these two are really bad work, they killed two kids that filmed a plan landing at an airport in a southern state full of cocaine. One of the many fundraising ventures that helped finance the Clinton Foundation. Look up the Clinton kill list !!

The crazy thing about this is that the emails were exchanged between many different people. The possibility of the emails being completely gone is nearly impossible.... I don't buy into this. If they really wanted to they would dig deeper and find the emails (if they haven't already)

I have been using CCleaner for years and cant believe theres anything better. Piriform makes some very good and stable software to replace a few windows functions like Piriforms defraggler, another of my favorites. I went to and dowloaded\installed Bleach bit. It has no a frills interface that I like, cant wait to clutter up my pc`s and run these two around the track. Thanks @tracemayer.

This is a good information @tracemayer, never heard of this tool until today. This requires subscriptions or one time purchase?