Josh Sigurdson talks with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the recent development out of Connecticut as the state capital prepares for bankruptcy amid collapse in hedge fund revenue.
As John says, why are governments mixed up in hedge funds? Hedge funds are meant to screw people over... Oh wait, now it makes sense.
New figures show tax revenue from the state’s top 100 highest-paying taxpayers declined 45% from 2015 to 2016.
As Zero Hedge reports,
"the Hartford Courant reports that city leaders in the state's capital have taken a step toward bankruptcy, soliciting proposals from law firms that specialize in Chapter 9...
Facing a $65 million deficit next year and a $14 million shortfall this year, Mayor Luke Bronin has hinted for months that Hartford could file for bankruptcy, and said during his budget release in April that he was "not in a position to rule anything out.""
This as market and monetary manipulation hits its breaking point across the United States and the world. This is what artificial markets leads to. If people decentralized and freed the markets we wouldn't see these major calamities, but of course, that would mean the control complex wouldn't be in top gear and people wouldn't be enslaved by debt and that certainly wouldn't swing for the top financial and political elites. So more of the same shall be expected.
It's up to the individual to opt out of the system and decentralize as much as they can, and if they don't, they WILL be hit hard. Heed the warning, or don't. It's up to you.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
Video edited by Josh Sigurdson
Josh Sigurdson
John Thore Stub Sneisen
Graphics by Bryan Foerster and Josh Sigurdson
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