How Israel Controls Assad

in politics •  6 years ago  (edited)


"Both ISIS(Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) and Bashar Al Assad are controlled by Israel & the City of London Banksters. The Syrian Opposition has been infiltrated and now smeared as terorrists while Zionist Putin is glorified as the savior of the Middle East by many in the Alternative Media (who unconsciously or consciously serve the interests of Israeli Russian intelligence) as Greater Israel edges closer to near completion"~TSR Editor

"Israel knows one important thing about the Assads: for the past 40 years, they have managed to preserve some form of calm along the border. Technically, the two countries have always been at war – Syria has yet to officially recognize Israel – but Israel has been able to count on the governments of Hafez and Bashar Assad to enforce the Separation of Forces Agreement from 1974, in which both sides agreed to a cease-fire in the Golan Heights, the disputed vantage point along their shared border. Indeed, even when Israeli and Syrian forces were briefly locked in fierce fighting in 1982 during Lebanon’s civil war, the border remained quiet.Israel… made overt and covert efforts to communicate to Assad that Jerusalem was determined to remain neutral in Syria’s civil war. The fact that those messages were received in Damascus was reflected in the relatively restrained response from the Assad regime: a mid-level Foreign Ministry official offered a public denouncement of Israel – and even then the Syrian government offered only a vague promise of reprisal, vowing to respond at a time and in a manner of its choosing."
~former MOSSAD chief Efraim Halevy in Foreign Affairs Magazine "Israel's Man in Damascus" May 10, 2013(An article where the former MOSSAD chief writes about how Assad is Israel's man in Damascus)


The words of the former head of Israeli Intelligence Agency should not be taken lightly as he was the same man who revealed that Israel has no qualms with helping Al Nusra front terrorists near the disputed Golan Regions in Syria in an interview with Mehdi Hassan on AlJazeera on 21 May 2016.

His words do clearly show that Israel have immense influence in every side of the Syrian conflict including influence on the Syrian President who for years has been glorified as a devout Anti Zionist fighting to not only protect his country from Western imperialists but also fighting for the Palestinian cause by many in the media.

Halevy's belief that the Assad Dynasty has preserved the peace along the border between Israel & Syria is shared by others including the Syrian President's own maternal cousin Rami Makhlouf where he states

"If there is no stability here, there’s no way there will be stability in Israel… No way, and nobody can guarantee what will happen after, God forbid, anything happens to this regime,” Rami Makhlouf May, 2011 in a three hour interview with the New York Times

This belief was echoed by none other than Israel's Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman(one of the most notorious warmongers in the Israeli government)

"Israel saw potentially stabilizing benefits to President Bashar al-Assad winning the Syrian civil war, after the Israeli military said it killed seven Islamist insurgents in a rare air strike across the countries’ frontier"~Israel’s defense minister Avigdor Lieberman August 2, 2018*

As former BBC Middle East specialist Alan Hart once pointed out, Israel since its formation has infiltrated every Arab government and every Arab militant group.

Once looking at the past of the Assad Dynasty and how it has kept the border of Israel safe from any military attempt to retake Palestine & the Golan Heights from the Zionist occupiers it is not entirely out of the question that Assad himself was a Zionist puppet like the rest of the Gulf State monarchs that claim to care about the Palestinians while having covert intimate relations with Israel.

Assad Family Ties To Israeli Billionaire Tycoon Freddie Zinger:

According to al-Araby al-Jadeed "leaked documents reveal a relationship between Assad's cousins the Makhloufs and Israeli business tycoon Freddy Zinger.Zinger, who resides in the Kiryat Shmona settlement on the borders with Lebanon, served in the Israeli army between 1976 and 1981 in the post of development manager and attained the rank of captain.Zinger is linked to two Makhlouf-owned companies: Hoxim Lane Management Corp and Cara Corporation, and is director and partner in a number of pharmaceutical companies.
He has access to bank accounts owned by the four Makhlouf brothers.
The Makhlouf brothers are registered as "Beneficial Owners" on a joint account registered to Freddy Zinger and his wife, Loria Zinger."

The fact that the Makhloufs have intimate business connections to an Israeli tycoon would likely not sway the average supporter of Assad because the infiltration of the Alt Media is beyond deep.

Assad & Zionist Backed Alawite State

While many media pundits can see how a Zionist Kurdish State could pose a threat to the stability to both Syria and Iraq, many ignore the implications of a Zionist backed Alawite State.

For those who are unaware, back in 2013, Bashar Al Assad asked Avigdor Lieberman(former Defense Minister of Israel) and asked the government of Israel for permission to set up an Alawite State extending to the coast with Damascus as its capital for the regime to avoid being overthrown by non-aligned Sunni militias in Syria.
Since five whole years have passed since that request was not taken seriously by the Israeli establishment, Assad has continued his covert requests for the establishment of an Alawite State but for him to be able to create his envisioned Alawite State, political analyst Khairallah Khairallah(yup, thats his actual name) from Arab Weekly has stated
Assad would need to make concessions to please Israel one way or the other.

(Fun fact: Assad covertly sold oil to Israel(since this article was longer than expected this topic would be further explored but if you are interested then go check out the link below though the source is "TimesOfIsrael" so do take everything from that media outlet with a grain of salt)


The American soldiers, the Russian mercenaries, the Israeli soldiers,the Iranians,Al Nusra Front, the Free Syrian Army and the Syrian Army are now all working together to crush the genuine opposition who oppose Zionist Russia.

With Gadaffi (being betrayed by the very Chechen mercenaries in his country who sold out to Israel and was subsequently killed by a portion of them) being replaced by Zionist Khalifa Haftar and with Saddam Hussein being hanged by the Mahdi Army led by Muqtada Al Sadr(who recently welcomed Iraqi Jews from Israel back to Iraq), the Baathists were always seen as disposable assets by Israel.

Their vision of an United Arab Republic crumbled precisely for the very same reason the very Monarchs they despised fell.
They ignored the external threat to all Arabs and allowed themselves to be divided.

On Israel's order they obediently falsely demonized the Muslim Brotherhood for actions which the Muslim Brotherhood never committed.

They allowed secularism to demonize and scrutinize the uniting elements for all Arabs which would be the religion of Islam and the Palestinian cause.

They allowed the Sassoon family(Rothschilds of the East), the Pallavicini family and Arab Freemasons to extend their influence over most of the Arab world while they sit back and enjoyed being a big fish in a small pond refusing to listen to any form of criticism.

They saw no qualms with covertly meeting with Kissinger and his ilk to discuss deals that could determine the fates of millions of their own countrymen but when these very deals backfired economically and their countrymen expressed outrage, they clamped down and crushed all dissent.

And now most of the Arab world is shattered and destabilized.
The only countries that have any semblance of unity and stability are ones who agreed to be the lapdogs of the Zionist ruling class namely the governments of the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Jordan.

If the Arab world is to ever free themselves from the chains of the parasitic Zionist elites then they would have to realize that unity is the first step and unless they refuse to be divided then only then would Palestine and the rest of the world be freed.


Syria's Assad Has Become Israel's Ally:

Israel Prefers Assad To Islamist Rebels

Netanyahu Says Assad Not Israel's Concern:

Former MOSSAD Chief Calls Assad "Israels Man In Damascus"

Assad's Cousin Maklouf Invokes Israel's Security As Reason For Assad To Stay:

Avigdor Lieberman Praise Assad:

Assad Sold Oil To Israel:

Former IDF Chief claims Israel Wants Assad To Stay In Power:

Assad Asks Israel For Permission For Alawite State:

Bashar Al Assad Still Wishes For Alawite State:

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