Saudi monarchy against pistrism and madhhab From their respective countries, they have been able to ward off patriotism and madhahab, but in other countries, their success is not enough. If the presence of Mahdi (AS) appears, they will fight against him. Because the rise of Mahdir (ra) means the departure of the Saudi monarchy.
The Saudi monarch wanted to preserve the Muslims, but they turned away because of the characteristic of Muslims that they saw them. Muslims need Islamic character before being a guardian, it is not in the Saudi monarchy. And if they want to exclude pir and madhhab, Muslims consider these two as necessary. That is why Muslims can not be removed from Pir and Majhab.
New ideas have to be presented in favor of the new opinion, the new talk of Saudi monarchy is that Sahih Hadith Even though the opening of the Sahih Hadith will not be seen in the light of the hadith. In the light of the Qur'an and Hadith, there is a description of Masala in the book of Fiqh. It is not mentioned in the book of Hadith that Sahih Hadith Manasukh is not there. Therefore, the Saudi monarchy can not even push the mohahab with such words.
If the scholars could have been thrown away, why could it be said that the reason for the scholarship of the scholars should be excluded or where the mistake of the Majahabi masterpiece? It should also be said that why the Imam Imam of the madhahab gave this masala? If there is nothing to do with the Hadith, then what is the reason to drop it? What is the evidence of the Hadith that Sahihah will say the locals? Did you make a Sahih Sahihahahahah? But while not speaking, there is no Saudi monarchy. So that is the irregular leadership, who is suspected of correctness? People turned away from them due to their relative reason.
The people of the Saudi monarchy waste a lot. The brother of the deceased devil. Therefore, the Saudi monarchs, who are trying to destroy them, by turning them into Satan's brothers, keeping the Muslims away from the beginning of the Saudi monarchy.
Muslims have seen them suspiciously because the people of Saudi monarchy are relatives of Jews and Christians. That is why the Muslims think that Saudi monarchy is right and that it is inappropriate. The reason they oppose is due to which they are stronger.
There is no shortage of money for the Saudi monarchy. They have appointed some brokers with money to make their brides, who have played on their behalf like a broken tape recorder forever. But these brokers did not understand how much the leakage of their teacher! Therefore, no matter how much water is poured in their guts, nothing will remain in it at all. On the other hand, they have established a brokerage firm called Al-Madinah Islami University, for their opinion in order to provide fatwas. The organization, which has issued a fatwa, has been trying hard to destroy the faith of Muslims.
It is worth noting that without the creation of some brokers, the Saudi monarchy has not been able to make any impact among the Muslims.
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