European Union Was Designed By A Nazi War Criminal? How The EU Is Un-Democratic & Both The EU & WW2 Were Planned/Implemented By Corporations Still Trading Today. (Free Online Book)

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

An intriguing book was published a few years ago by 'The Rath Foundation' which claims to expose how one of the signatories of the Treaty Of Rome (A founding document of the EU) was a German Nazi War Criminal who escaped prosecution and possible execution during the Nuremberg trials at the end of World War 2. Additionally, it goes to some length to explain how the underlying structure of the EU has been cleverly designed to give the appearance of being democratic, while actually being totally undemocratic.

I am not one for any form of government and while I recognise the benefit of having a space for discussion, forming agreements and directing activity in useful ways - I fully recognise that this must only occur without the presence of any kind of hierarchy or the result WILL be imbalanced. With that in mind I am always alert for examples of the many ways in which our power is being used against us by those claiming to represent us through the magical vehicle of 'democracy'. Considering the extent of the problems that democracies have created over their history, we owe it to all humanity to look closer at exactly what is going on in 'in our names' and whether we really are seeing actual democracy or not.

I have made several posts already here on the topic of exposing the fake nature of our so called 'democracies' - with this one about Carroll Quiqley's books being a key one to look into to find out the extent of how the 'Western Democracies' have been designed since their inception to be empty facades for the purpose of deception and a kind of war against the people by shadowy empire builders.

The Nazi Roots Of The Brussels EU

Dr. Rath's book (available here for free online) focusses on a man named Walter Hallstein, who was a prominent Nazi Lawyer during the period of Hitler's Nazi Government in Germany and was responsible for designing and drafting some of the regimes legislation. At the end of the war, he was interrogated by 'the allies' and lied about his involvement with the Nazi party, escaping punishment entirely. He was then able to go on, undeterred, tp become part of the key team of designers and instigators of the EU as it stands today.

The book also makes clear that the Nazi agenda was heavily controlled and backed by the oil and drug cartel that operated in Germany at that time, some of whom continue to be household names today. These groups include Bayer & BASF - noting that Bayer has recently merged with GMO and Cancer Causing Pesticide producer 'Monsanto' - possibly the world's most hated corporation.

A lot of details are presented that show the money trails and agendas involved among those who sought to control Europe as an empire and who, when military takeover failed, simply moved tactics from the battlefield to the boardrooms of major corporations and the alleged democratic halls of governments.

I cannot do this book justice in a post here as there is just too much information in there to cover easily. The book shows quite well how modern corporations such as Halliburton who exploited Iraq during and after the recent wars are operating in total alignment with the patterns that I G Farben and other Nazi corporations operated during World War 2. The message is clear, that a well funded and organised cabal has operated behind the scenes to attempt to set up totalitarian control of just about everything that they can possibly control for at least 75 years. Whether this group is independent of the group that Carroll Quiqley highligted - operating out of England and America is not entirely clear to me at present, but there is certainly the possibility that these groups are competing factions playing the same game of global chess with the lives of billions of people.

Walter Hallstein

Taken from the free online book linked above:

On March 25, 1957,
Hallstein was made one of twelve ‘founding fathers’ – the original signatories – of the ‘Treaty of Rome’, the founding document of the ‘Brussels EU’, which he had co-authored.

On January 7, 1958, Hallstein was appointed by the political stakeholders of the Oil and Drug Cartel as the first President of the so called ‘EU Commission,’ the highest office of the European Economic Community (EEC) and the precursor of the ‘Brussels EU’.

In 1963 Hallstein was appointed for a second 5-year term as president of the ‘EU Commission’. To cement its grip over Europe, the cartel and its political stakeholders provided Hallstein – the first ‘king’ of modern Europe – with an appropriate ‘castle’, the giant ‘Berlaymont’ colossus in the center of Brussels.

For a full 10 years, from 1958 to 1967, Hallstein commanded an army of thousands of bureaucrats – outside any democratic control. With the help of this army of obeying servants, largely paid for by the cartel and its political stakeholders, Hallstein modelled the ‘Brussels EU’ after blueprints designed two decades earlier by him and his accomplices – for a Europe under Nazi / IG Farben control.

51 years later, on December 1, 2009, the so-called ‘Lisbon Treaty’ imposed the key elements of Hallstein’s construct of the ‘Brussels EU’ – and thereby the core elements of the Nazi / Cartel master plan – upon the people of Europe.

Thus at the beginning of the 21st century, as a direct consequence of historical un-awareness:
• 27 heads of State, by signing the so-called ‘Lisbon Treaty,’ signed an ‘Enabling Act’.
• Similar to 1933, they sacrificed democracy and opened the doors for the rule over Europe by the same corporate cartel interests that failed to accomplish this goal during WWII.

There's a lot more information on all of this available in the free book, so I suggest reading it of you want to learn more here.

The Undemocratic EU

I am not an expert on the EU by any stretch of the imagination, I try to avoid it as best I can. However, what I have learned from reading this book does match up with what I have seen evidenced in the last decade or so and it is as follows:

The EU has a parliament which is populated by Euro MPs (Members of Parliament) who are sent from each member state to represent their nation and participate in discussions of policy that affect their nations. However, there is also an EU Commission which is populated by entirely unelected people who have the over-arching power to negate the decisions of the parliament. The commission sets the agendas and the parliament only has a small amount of say in deciding what will and what will not be made into policy.

Hallstein incorporated all these elements in the ‘Treaties of Rome’ as the founding principles of the ‘Brussels EU’ rule over Europe today:
• The “Officials of the [European Cartel] Reich” in Hallsteins ‘Conquest Speech’ became the ‘EU Commissioners’, who rule Europe on behalf of the Cartel and beyond any democratic control.
• The “Directives” from the Nazi/Cartel drawing board became the “EU Directives” of today. These “EU Directives”, together with so-called “EU-Regulations”, became the dictatorial orders by which the Cartel’s politburo, the ‘EU Commission’, decides the laws for 500 million people of Europe – essentially outside of any democratic process.

Brexit - Unification is wise, but control is evil

When the 'Brexit' vote was held that would decide if Britain left the EU or not - many people claimed that if Britain left then it would be a death sentence for Britain in the sense that it would have less power and thus less freedom in the context of Europe. However, those who said this did not understand the extent to which the EU is just a control mechanism that takes power away and does not give much in return. Many people said that British people would be disconnected from Europe - yet, how can that ever really be, given the geography? It is still possible for British and non British europeans to work together and collaborate as one - yet without the domineering control system of the unelected EU commission dictating what will and what will not be 'legal' there.

It is fair to say that the British system is also a fraud and also entirely broken - but at the very least, while the system is controlled by people who are identified within the local area - the local people can take steps to bring some kind of balance, rather than being forced to conform to decisions made by people who they know absolutely nothing about and who plainly do not know what is best for them.

In summation, it's a very big topic that is almost entirely missing from modern interpretations and understanding of our shared history and I highly suggest reading the book before passing an judgement on the topic.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul


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I bet Germany are pissed off that they even bothered fighting those two World Wars. It turns out that if they wanted to control Europe, all they needed to do was create a basic trade union and then covertly expand it to overrule local governments.

so.. like freemasonry, minus the secret handshakes and bared nipple rituals..

There may be some bared nipple rituals behind the scenes. We will never know for sure.

something to be thankful for perhaps!

Very fascinating. Sure seems the saber rattling is another effort to militarize their efforts. Found the following very insightful:

those who sought to control Europe as an empire and who, when military takeover failed, simply moved tactics from the battlefield to the boardrooms of major corporations and the alleged democratic halls of governments.

This is surely a different perspective. How far can this go?

I suggest to read the book - it goes a long way!

Yes so true this @ura-soul ! Claude Juncker the president of the E.U is directly related to the Industrial family who supplied the bomber planes " Junckers " that dropped bombs all over Europe during the second world war ! Does seem to be a curious fact indeed this and well quite ironic no ?

Well, I'm not sure I would call it ironic, given that the entire system appears to have been setup and controlled by these same groups/families. Maybe 'disturbing' is a more accurate word :/

This post has received a 3.64 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ura-soul.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The EU is technocratic tyrannical governance, and takes inspiration from both Nazism and Bolshevism.
Another key ideologue of the European Union was Richard von Coudenhove Kalergi.

It will not be easily digestible for us.

This post has received a 14.39 % upvote from @upgoater thanks to: @ura-soul.

Excellent post and narrative. valuable information. Thank you for sharing!

It will be interesting to see how the EU council reacts to the Catalonian referendum and the Spanish violent repression.