Running the Political Rat Race

in politics •  8 years ago 


Over the years my political outlook on life and what I wanted out of life has evolved. When my parents were alive and I was living under their roof and rules I felt like a good little kid following their way of life and thinking. That followed into my adulthood and life on my own. I was still following their belief system and whilst trying to figure out one for my own. I was a staunch Conservative and Republican. I followed the line, attended all the meetings and volunteered for all sorts of duties. I helped in various political campaigns. The powers that be wanted me to run for office. Tempting, but I steadfastly refused. I did not want to get sucked into that, what I was finally coming to realize, awful system. It was tough being a Conservative in a town known as a socialist republic. The powers that be in that city saw to it that no Republicans would get anywhere near enough votes to win an election and twisted the rules to make it very tough for Conservatives, or any other political party, to make any headway in gaining seats on city council. The odds were stacked; the election process rigged. Sound familiar? The entire time I lived there, over 30 years, there were only three Republicans that ever won a city council seat. This mean't no alternative voice on the council. Another perspective. A different viewpoint. Were the shoe on the other foot I would not be happy either.

As my political views evolved and started to realize how I was being taken to the cleaners, my hard earned money being forcefully taken away from me and given to people who could have cared less, I began to realize how crooked the political system was. Our Founding Fathers must certainly be spinning in their graves watching their beloved country being torn apart and replaced with a corrupt, tyrannical and downright amoral ruling class. I started moving away from Republican ideology and sought out the Libertarians. I realized they had an even harder road to travel on than the Republicans but their philosophy was what drew me in - Smaller government, fewer intrusions into other people's lives, minimal taxes, return to property ownership, adherence to the principles laid down by the Founding Fathers.

From this idea of smaller government one can envision a society with no government . Why do we need government? People can surely provide for themselves. Those that can't will be helped by private concerns and not government. It should not be the role of government to provide "cradle-to-grave" protection. The welfare state has gotten out of hand. Stop stealing my hard earned money. The pension system as we see it today is nothing more than a huge Ponzi scheme. Get rid of taxation all together; it is legalized theft. Leave the money in the pension system alone. Better yet, return all that money back to the rightful owners. With no taxes on the money I earn I can keep it all and provide for my own retirement and health care. I guess that amount of money is too tempting, like the sugar cookies in the jar on the kitchen shelf. My father had a saying, "Get your cotton pickin' fingers off of that." Corruption, graft, greed.

The trillions and trillions of dollars spent on overseas wars when there are so many problems in our own country to solve is downright despicable and immoral. This begs the question as to who is really running this country. Do you for one minute think that it is those clowns in Washington D.C? No, they are just puppets. It actually are the super rich folks (statists, globalists) and bankers like the Rothschild's, Rockefeller's, Bush's, and their ilk.

End the War on Drugs and Poverty. Huge bureaucracies with plenty of room for corruption and graft. Huge waste of not only money but other precious resources. Legalize drugs, take the profit out of selling those drugs. Sure there is still going to be a problem but it will then be whittled down to a manageable size. There will always be poverty but it will be minimized. Besides, the poorest person in the U.S. is rich compared to vast billions of folks living in other countries. Just take a look south of Texas, Cuba, Haiti, Brazil, Venezuela, Ghana, India and dozens more countries around the world.

Our country is not just a country. It is an idea. One founded on Freedom, Liberty and true Justice. All of this is slowly being whittled away. Incredibly sad.

You just think about that, as propounded by that great philosopher Patrick Thomas McNulty in the Twilight Zone episode "A Kind of Stopwatch".

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

The minarchism game being being played by the Libertarians really doesn't set them apart at all from any other political party. Essentially there are only 2 political parties in this country: The Demoplicans and the Republicrats. And they play to and are played by the same puppeteers.

A rhetorical question to ask is why do we have politics? The short response is that we do because people stupidly support it. People, by actively participating in politics just give it more energy, thus pushing themselves into the corner of outright & increasingly manipulative control.

As you point out, why do we need politics at al? After all, politics is just sanctioned lying on a massive scale.