George Soros Transfers Billions to Open Society Foundations

in politics •  7 years ago 

George Soros, the billionaire hedge fund manager and a major Democratic donor, has given $18 billion to his Open Society Foundations, one of the largest transfers of wealth ever made by a private donor to a single foundation.

The gift, made quietly over the past several years but disclosed only on Tuesday, has transformed Open Society into the second-biggest philanthropic organization in the United States, behind the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It will also place Mr. Soros, a lightning rod for conservative critics, squarely in the middle of the social and political debates convulsing the country.

What does this mean for the form Nazi collaborating Jew Mr. György Schwartz AKA George Soros? This is what I think he's doing with the billions.

First I think this might be a defensive more to protect his money if the elites loose control of the US and Europe and more countries start investigating him for meddling in their elections so they can't sue or fine him directly because his money will be spread throughout his network of foundations.

Or it's possible he is all in on pushing the new world order agenda and pump these foundations with billions to fund globalist minions in politics and build up Antifa movements all across the global to push back the nationalist uprisings going on in the US and Europe right now.

I think those might be the main reasons for him doing this right now. After all he made all that money being an insider in the club that rigs the markets so I think he's required to donate that money before he dies to keep moving the globalist agenda.


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One thing I believe that we can be sure of is; he didn't give away money from the goodness of his soul. There is no good in him, and he has no soul.

Anyone know why he did that? Surely It can't be just for charity...

He's all in on destroying the populist movements around the world.

lets not be quick to judge the guy, his foundation has done some good in the world, he is old and aging and is among the few billionares who have stated that they will not live their wealth to their children but give for good use to the world when he is gone, atleast he is doing some good in the world no matter how you look at him compared to guys like trump who have wealth and still steal from the poor

it sounds like you may be rather uninformed on the history of Soros' "wheeling and dealing". if you think Trump steals from the poor, Soros makes him look like an outright piker, as he seeks to destabilize entire nations and extract what little wealth they had in the first place...

Link: GEORGE SOROS: "I am basically there to make money. I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do."

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

"at least he is doing some good in the world"

I think you're mistaking. Just look at his Nazi past where he rounded up fellow Jews and admitted to 60 mins that it was something he had to do or someone else would of took his place. Only a psychopath would do and say something like that.

Funny!! Good post

Have you considered moving along to Youtub and dying or something?

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