President Donald Trump Slams and Schools Leftist Media on ANTIFA and Alt Left!!!

in politics •  8 years ago 

Trump goes on the attack and blast the media for the horrible job on reporting what happened in Charlottesville. He also reminded them that it's wasn't the just the alt-right being violence and that many others on the left were causing violence as well. He also reminded them that he waited until he knew the facts before making a political statement about the violence. Which anyone in a leadership position should learn all the facts of the case before making judgement and waiting a day or two to make a statement is just a smart thing to do so the media is just making a mountain out of a mole hill like they usually do.

Also, listen to some of the dumb stuff these fake news reporters are asking. I heard one of them ask about David Duke, just a bunch of idiots asking the most dumbest thing to try to get Trump to trip up and saying something out of context.

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I like what he said- "the driver of the car is a murderer, call it what you like". The reporters talk all over him and rather than seeking truth in their reporting to bring factual knowledge to people they are just a mob of attackers, traitors to America's republic. Press Conferences like this are a joke, trump should just start a weekly fireside chat and broadcast it on YouTube.

Agreed, they were very disrespectful and interrupted him every time he was making a statement. I'd kick out all the reporters that interrupted him.

The media act like a bunch of rude elementary school children. Come to think of it, even children have better manners.

Very true, there really isn't a need for the press to be there. We already know they are just going to scream and shout for political points. It would be better if he just sat down, did a video with a short script of what he wants to say. I think he should do that more and more.

Yeah, he should ban the media while he is at it. His youtube and twitter channel should become the true source of news even though its proven he has lied multiple times. I do not get how people go about defending his actions... smh. Its such a shame.

Almost all politicians lie, and near 100% of them due at the higher levels of political office, as it is required.

If you are going to focus on that fallacy as criteria, you would never be able to vote for almost any of them, except for a rare few and maybe in local elections.

Just say what you really want to say, you don't like the way he talks. We don't care the way he talks. So there's the difference.



@truthforce thanks for pointing out the fallacy. I won't disagree with your argument that all politicians lie. In fact, with that kind of title, you kinda have to lie in order to keep everyone around you happy.

That said, no politician ever said 'grab em by the pussy'... Someone with a children, especially a daughter can not possibly explain why they would be supporting such a role model for their country.

Not sure what you mean "Just say what you really want to say, you don't like the way he talks. We don't care the way he talks. So there's the difference." OBV.. if he talks like that I won't like it because I think he can do much better. Who is 'WE'? ... referring to Trump supporters? or others that may have the same ideology as you?

Dem and rep party needs tp be destroyed. Trump is helping do that.

Feelings dont matter when we have 20 trillion in debt. Great depression happened and millions starved to deatj in a time where 95% of people had plots of land they cpuld farm on. Today that number is less than 15%. Hundreds of millions woild starve to death if we go into a depression.

Nothing is solvent. Every govt program each year has to have its debt ceiling raised to avoid collapse. Its all due to the oligarchy 2 party system. Dem and rep work hand in hand to be dangerpusly irresponsible with the money we give them.

Feelings dont matter. If you did any basic research you will see how razor thin we are from being in complete chaos.

Beforr bill clinton we had a surplus of money for decades.

Clinton bush obama ruined our country + dems and reps.

Trump isnt a rep. Doing some research you eill see he was gonna run for reform party, but later left because racist david duke became a teform party member. Trump publically disavowed David duke years ago.

@truthforce you seem to be more of a Bernie man with the arguments you are making but supporting Trump? I could be wrong. I like that you are open to dialogue though. Clinton was not gonna do any good for the US. I am from Canada and I can tell you that. However it doesn't mean that Trump is doing a lot of good for the country... if you are wealthy it makes sense to like trump but if you are poor good luck to you sir.

I do have to say while trump may have disavowed David Duke, he was totally fine with Steve Bannon... and many others like him.

Trump and Bernie have a lot in common in the way of wanting to destroy the corruption and get rid of the establishment Elites, Bernie got screwed by the DNC hard and that really sucks. I would have liked for Bernie to go up against Trump honeslty.

Originally I was a Cruz guy, but he doesn't hit back hard and call stuff out. Trump calls stuff out, but a lot of the time he would be better served if he didn't respond right away. Trump is really good when he has a script of his thoughts and what he wants to say. When he is out in the open and freewheeling he gets himself into trouble, but to also be fair, the media will always take everything out of context and put him and anyone they don't like into troublezone anyways. Look at what they did to Pewdiepie and many others. Media lies too much. No reason to believe almost anything they say or report on.

Bannon isn't the racist the media makes him out to be. I read all about his past. The worst thing he has done is say some offensive things. I have listened to former employees of his talk(who were jewish/minorities) and they all pretty much agree Bannon isn't racist or anti-semite.

It probably takes hours just to go through each thing to see what the truth is, Ihave an obsessive thing where I do that.

In all reality I want what is best for the countries. I don't particularly mind if Trump is mean and says asshole'ish things or whatever. My background is trolling in runescape and other places. Trolling is fun sometimes, Trump likes to troll a lot, Ican't fault him for that when everyone else trolls him online too.

Also, to be completely fair, Clinton's mentor was Robert Bryd, literally the KKK. This guy helped her come up through the ranks of the elites for decades, then later in his life he left the KKK. From what Ihave seen about Trump, his past statesments disavvowing David Duke in like 1994 or something around there, he also won the Ellis Island Medal of honor and is pictured accepting it with Rosa Parks and Muhammed Ali, he opened up his private clubs in Florida to all races(when segreation was still going on in other clubs in the area).

There are so many good things he has done in his past, some controversial things too. Someone being an ass all the time doesn't really concern me. Plent of them exist in the business world Ihave seen, and a lot of them are effective and get the company under control/make profits/save money/ etc.

I am not wealthy, it is the opposite honestly. People are better off with the policies he is going to implement. Amerca's unemployment is a fake number, the real number is called U6 unemployment whchi is like 10% or so. We have 20 trillion in debt and all that other stuff. on a per family basis it amounts to 166,000 USd each family has to pay off. people obviously cant afford that, and eventually we will start having real problems. Too many jobs left our country. I have been in many cities/towns in the USA, there are streets that are miles long with abandoned factories Isee anywhere i go. I am telling you, first hand knowledge from what Ihave seen. in one town with a few miles long street, 10,000+ used to work in those facotires. take that and multiply it for every town/city and there are all the good jobs gone . now everone works at McDonalds and other crap jobs, they all hate their life, have to get foodstamps and welfare to survive. the metrics on underemplyment are hidden.

America is going bankrupt and nobody wants to say it.

No one is perfect. Not Trump, not Bernie, not Obama. And honestly I agree, sometimes you just have to call bullshit out. E.g. carrying out Nazi flags makes you a Nazi.. there is no going back on that. What happened in Virginia was disgusting and I think Trump could have done better... should have called out all the Nazi assholes earlier.

I also agree with other things you said.. extremely hard to find facts nowadays, one must do a lot of digging... like you have. A lot of think tanks with big pockets that divide people into different races/gender/etc etc. Nazi Germany had to do this to divide people so it can take control of the people.. and people fell for it.

LMFAO at your comment about trolling... whatever floats your boat thumbs up

Employement is real issue and people have been left with a lot of crapy jobs... it shouldn't mean electing a clown to get it fixed. Even though people in the US are suffering, 80 of the world would still like to live in US with that crapy job. Employement is changing due to our advancement with science and tech. But, so is quality of life for human. A person with a minimun wage job lives a longer life than average joe in the 1900's.

My theory is this. A country can only be fixed if it comes together. Fighting is not the answer... thats for animals. American politics have done bad to the people, for a long time, but what its going through right now can only make it worse. It might make it better for the few that are not affected by it... the people controlling the political parties, funding the big think tanks and initiating geonocidal ideologies.

The funny thing, is that the "conservative repblicans" are hating on Trump, BUT conservatism means to have less government. Why are they going to the President and giving him this weird power of "having moral authority" if they want less government?

Ben Shapiro slipped up on that one. I listened to his podcast yesterday about it. He always wants less government, he wants the government to stay away from setting morals, but wants Trump to come out and say something a certain way when it comes to the morality of Alt-Left and Alt-Right. They are both bad and just cause chaos, Trump said that basically. Everone loses their minds lol. I can't believe the world we live in is real sometimes. People really are brainwashed or something.

I hope we get better as a country and realize the MSMlies and propaganda just hurts us.

What Trump did was smart, the media seems to love knee jerk reactions...but they do no like people waiting until the dust settles before they react! Thanks for posting this article!

The media is one big circle jerk, and they can't stand that he is breaking it up. The circle jerk must be upheld(in the MSM's eyes). Trump will destroy it and destroy the corrupt RNC/DNC.

Lion party now!!!!

This has staged written all over it.
First the cops jam all the conservatives together with the KKK, and neo Nazi types and funnel them into the kill zone where antifa, bamn, and blm are waiting. Then the cops pull back as the left once again starts violent actions.
The cops remain absent until a car plows into the crowd and escapes. Oddly enough the one thing that could have tracked the car suddenly crashes killing to police officers......Then the eye witness to the crash that plays on the fake news sites that was presented like he was just a dude on the street turns out to be the governor's chief of staff....and the list goes on.
The President responded appropriately.

Even this Kessler guy in leading the rally has a shady liberal background with being part of the occupy wall street movement.

I smell Soros money everywhere.

"you had a group on one side that was bad and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent and nobody wants to say that" - President Trump

Love this man

Amen!!!! I was practically jumping out of chair and cheering, but had to be quiet because I worl for the People's Republic of New York, a communsit government.

I really hope he continues to call out the Alt-Left for the violence they do. Also, take it a step further and declare them a hate group or terrorist group, or a radical group.

I was whining earler that Trump had not said this in his previous statements

I am so glad to be wrong.

Well played Mr. President, well played