The countries that formed the Soviet Union

in politics •  6 years ago 

Through this post I wish to provide information and add to your historical information
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The countries that formed the Soviet Union

... the USSR ...

That huge transcontinental socialist monster ...

Who has not heard about the Soviet Union?

With his Lenin ...
With his Stalin ...
With his victories ...
And his defeats ...
With your Vostok
And his gulags ...
The Soviet Union was one of the most important states of European and world geopolitics from the late 10 's until its collapse and dissolution in 1991.

The first and largest socialist state, and propeller of the same throughout the world.

That great nation whose frozen winters froze the hearts of its fiercest adversaries paradoxically ended up succumbing and falling, as if it were a poetic satire on Christmas Day 1991 and during the Cold War.
"First it began to fall and then it fell" synthesized an old Mikhail "head of map" Gorbachev, president of the Soviet Union between October 1988 and December 1991.

But when they ask you which countries constituted the eastern red monster you ...

You start well ... you name Russia, Ukraine ... Belarus ...

But then the pipita possesses you and the pineapple ...

... and you end up naming Yugoslavia, Albania, Romania and even Cuba !!!

How many countries constituted the Soviet Union?

Well, throughout the years that lasted the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) their borders changed several times.

The Soviet Union was founded almost entirely on the territory left by the Russian Empire.

At least as far as the East is concerned ... in the West it had to cede some important territories resulting from the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ...
This treaty allowed for the independence of nations such as easy Poland or Finland

And all this because a defeat in the First World War before the German Empire was already more than imminent.
This treaty prevented a German invasion that would have easily swept the Bolshevik government, which militarily by then was not up to the fight.

Unbelievably The German Empire, in a sort of Argentina in the finals, also fought in that war, which finally annulled the treaty on the new Russian borders (However Finland, Poland retained their independence and the territories given to the Turks were never returned )

The First World War is called by many as the tomb-empires war.

Product of its consequences were the falls of the largest empires of the date, some at the time of it, and others a little later.

The German Empire fell

However, Germany continued to be called the German Empire, "Deutsches Reich". Many later historians called to that period post-war "Republic of Weimar", that lasted until 1933. It included territories of the present Denmark, France, Poland, Lithuania and Belgium that still today, historically in the commentaries of Taringa they unleash controversy

The Austro-Hungarian Empire fell

It included territories in Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, part of Italy, Poland and Romania.

The Ottoman Empire fell


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Great post!
Thanks for tasting the eden!

thank u

Wow! This has added to my banks of historical tales, after this i was highly informed and not to mention that i didn't know the formation of solvet union until now. Keep it up, hope to read more.

Thank you very much for your kind visit here
Greetings to you

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