The David DePape Interview

in politics •  2 years ago  (edited)

We Republicans should stop viewing the police as an asset, and begin seeing the police as a problem. The police are a liability, not an asset.

"Fake News," attempted to say American Patriot David DePape is operating under "conspiracy theories." Never trust a journalist. It's a lie. You can listen to the video yourself, and be able to tell the journalists making ad hominem attacks about David DePape are simply liars. The vast majority in America knows that what David DePape did and said is true.

No economically successful President has ever lost his bid for re-election due to the incumbent effect. That is why David DePape is innocent. They can show the video all they want, but the person he attacked is extremely evil. David DePape did what no cop was willing to do, and it was what needed to be done, and will be done again, and again.

Nancy Pelosi, Ed Markey, and Jeff Merkley flew to Taiwan for "democracy chips," and then they bought stock in Taiwan Semiconductor. Did you see how badly the stocks crashed during all of 2022? That was Jerome Powell hiking rates, and let me remind everyone Franz Ferdinand was killed by a man who endured such losses.

As you can see, democrats are the most strident defenders of slavery. Today, most African Americans are on welfare, which is why they vote for the party that owned ALL their recent ancestors. In 2022, as Jerome Powell hiked rates, more Americans were shoved onto food stamps than any point in history, with 4 million gen Z homeless. Nothing like that would ever been allowed under Trump. That is why social order is now a more important Republican value than defending some tatted up gay police guy who won't help your mom, and is a crook when he is not at work.

By the way, I warned Nancy Pelosi she would be attacked on this very blog, and then she was. Just sayin...

David DePape is a sound-minded valiant American patriot. He is a hero. God bless him. My mother is safer today, because of him. God bless David DePape, who has a moral mind that trumps all democrats.

As a Republican, I strongly advise other Republicans reading this, that you should STOP your support for the corrupt police of America who cannot be redeemed after January 6th 2021, and Jerome Powell's homicidal rate hikes. They are working for the enemy. Instead of supporting the police, which has clearly been a "non-success" because they were used by Nancy Pelosi to attack Republicans, rather we should revive the value of social order. Social order is more important than police, who are now its enemy. Good people should stop supporting bad cops, and start fighting for social order. Why support the police anymore, if they only show up as oppressors of the good guy? Where are the police when a law has to be enforced? They are never there. They are only there to oppress Americans. They are hypocrite criminals. Today's non-Republican police officers are free-loading, rent-seeking, hypocrite, cannibal, criminal rapists, and bullies on power trips. That is the apotheosis of a democrat, making them the enemy. They are the very opposite of Republicans who set free African Americans from democrats' plantations, under Abraham "The Bloodthirsty" Lincoln. Let the police go be a sodomite democrat's gay prat boy. We don't need such unpatriotic, unloyal police supporters. We can win without them. Without us, they'll get killed by some teenager.

Police cannot behave the way they did on January 6th, and expect Republican support henceforth. It is clear that police are the people who stand in the way of truth. This generation of police officers have chosen to be the enemy of Republicans. They are gay. Never doubt that tatted up po po is a lefto. These are bad people who act badly as a group, and even worse as a team. It is unconscionable that Republicans give blindly to such overt gangs. Ditch them, and study the value of social order.

God bless Trump Supporters for whooping Nancy Pelosi's weak, gay, pathetic, and suicidally lefto cops. Those are not my cops. When police attack Republicans the way they did on January 6th, they can no longer count on Republicans to back them. We believe in social order, and we were born here, so we know who the enemy is. The enemy is anyone who dares be a member of Nancy Pelosi's party. This is war. We are in a violent revolution. If you do not believe me, count the number of police officers killed since 2020. We are in a violent revolution, see? It's simply true. David DePape is a founding father of America, because we are starting over.

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