Who are the Russians paying to influence US politics and how are they doing it?

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)

Putin uses Ruben Vardanyan (among others) to manage his proxy wealth and make his friends rich. The branch of Putin that Ruben Vardanyan manages is mainly concerned with energy, but has its tendrils in quite a few endeavors.

Troika Dialog is one such arm of Ruben Vardanyan and this company was exposed in the Panama Papers.

Troika Dialog was paying the Podesta Group to lobby for them and it wasn't until after the Panama Papers exposed the Podesta Group and after they watched Manafort get indicted after ignoring subpoenas in the Mueller investigation, that the Podesta Group updated some of their disclosures. They still have yet to disclose a number of other financial ties.

To pay John Podesta, Ruben Vardanyan created Joule Unlimited, which made the false claim that it could use cyanobacteria to make clean energy. This was so that it could always angle for the "green" dollar imo. Either way, John Podesta, who is a registered foreign agent, failed to disclose this arrangement and there is proof that John Podesta cashed in most of his shares of Joule, laundering the assets through his daughters' company, Leonidio LLC.

Ruben Vardanyan is also tied to other energy entities in Russia, serving as CEO for Gazprom, which is clear from emails in the intelligence leaks that they just murder whoever stands in their way. They describe one guy who wouldn't sell as being stuffed into and oil pipe and then pressurizing the oil pipe as a way to murder him by example.

Rosatom paid Frank Giustra for the second Uranium One. The first Uranium One was a South African company, but the Russians bought controlling share of the Canadian Uranium One.

Giustra is heavily involved with the Clintons, as well. Even to go so far as to be pictured with little black girls and Bill Clinton together, holding hands. They founded the Clinton Giustra Partnership and have been involved in the cutting of red tape in poorer countries, like Colombia, Haiti and Kazakhstan.

You only have to go so far as the State Department human trafficking reports to see that these mining operations are using forced child labor. The nexus between human trafficking and gold mining is well known. The result of this information is that we known companies like Glencore (where the CEO was pardoned by Clinton), VCS Mining (who employed Hillary Clinton's brother), Rusoro (who sued in CANADA to win mining rights in VENEZUELA and won!) and other operations are using little kids slaves.

The BlackIvy Group, also tied to the Clintons through Cheryl Mills uses slave labor and child labor. Sure, they pay .23 cents per hour, but to any normal human being that is slave labor. Cheryl Mills also uses "mangos" as code for children and seems to have "mango trees" that are producing children for whatever nefarious ends there is a market for.

So, the Clintons are slavers. Ruben Vardanyan is a slaver. Frank Giustra is a slaver. They are participating as part of the intelligence community to cut red tape in poor countries to exploit them and that includes, not just slaving, but generating proxy conflicts and arming different factions to create instability to drop the value of human life, resulting in cheap, expendable labor.

Giustra paid the Clintons millions, which, by proxy, is Putin paying straight into the Clinton Foundation. THAT IS INFLUENCE. But the methods which they consciously and intentionally exert influence is multi-faceted. But it isn't hyperbole to say Putin paid the Clintons. There is virtually no degrees of separation, unless you expect, Putin, himself to sign the check. He has Ruben Vardanyan do that.

First, the Clinton Cabal (by that I mean the board at the Clinton Foundation and or the board of J&T Packing), straight up just tells what reporters to write. We saw it repeatedly in the leaked emails. Be it Podesta or Hillary, herself, they dictate to journalists.

They also own their own media group, where Cheryl Mills is involved in the Oxygen Network and Lisa Jackson even is a CEO over at Apple. The Mormon family, the Kimballs, has always been involved with the intelligence community, it seems, but more recently, they have a Kimball on the payroll over at Google, vacation together in the DR at Casa Kimball and the Kimball family donates openly to Clinton. The LDS community has their own top down media structure that is dictated by whatever modern version of the Correlation Committee is. I think it is the TSCC. Millions of people under their sway.

Then, there is David Brock. He was running Media Matters and openly running an apologetics campaign for Frank Giustra even before the Uranium One scandal was even known. He was also running a group of Internet Trolls known as CTR. (Correct the Record.) They were doxxed heavily and Brock had to fire up Shareblue. Of course, he leans on Podesta to fund this stuff, along with people like Herb Sandler. Shareblue also suffered a leak because they didn't lock down their wordpress site. It is much as you would expect, they are targeting Trump, specifically and they are using DARVO tactics to do it.

DARVO means deny, reverse victim and offender. There is a basic psychology to this that works, unfortunately. It is the natural manifestation of extreme denial and projection. On a psychological level, whatever Trump is accused of, it is actually what his opponents are guilty of.

So it is with Russia. David Brock is a traitor who should be tried for treason because he is knowingly taking Russian money (and trust me, Russia is the tip of the iceberg) to influence elections and attempt to use mainstream media to orchestrate a coup against Trump.

He gets to tell the news what to do, even though he doesn't have to tell us what he was being blackmailed for, along with James Alefantis (who were represented by Maccoby, of Laura Silsby fame in Haiti.)

As a result of the leaks like the Panama Papers and wikileaks, we have a clear trail of collusion and treason and we know how it works. It isn't that fancy of an operation.

Putin, using Ruben Vardanyan, paid into Democratic media campaigns in the news and on social media, using people like David Brock, who was funded by proxy through players in the DNC.

They are slavers. They have an evil agenda and the fact that the world hasn't completely seen through their DARVO tactics and double-down dishonesty is what troubles me the most.


Now, does that mean I know Trump didn't collude with Russia for sure? Well, short of having Putin sign a check to himself to Trump, there really isn't any possibility that it is worse than what Hillary Clinton did and the evidence is so clear that arrests across the board could easily be made, leading to one possible conclusion.

The Department of Justice is still compromised. The FBI is still compromised.

Putin is selling black market uranium out of Novosibirsk, where the uranium is easily traced and it has been repeatedly caught at the borders of places like Georgia and Armenia. Mueller even hand delivered their own uranium back to them, after it had been caught.

So many arrests need to be made, but apparently, there is no one to do the job. These people are slavers and traitors and they should be tried for their crimes.

Only then, will we get the full truth.









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