Land Expropriation Without Compensation...A Justified Thing?

in politics •  7 years ago  (edited)


History is full of misfortune. The ways in which jurisdictions have been created around the globe is the results of war. Much unnecessary abuse....much wasted life.

South Africa is in a conflicted state of mind.

Many people stuck in the past about blaming the "whites".

Yes - it was "white" people.

Are people still currently divided by color?

Does keeping a color divide in 2018 solve anything.

How long must we hold onto the past? How long must we be "correcting" the past? What will future generations say about the generations here today?

My friend @cerise who is from South Africa recently dove into this issue...and the comments on her youtube videos are well.....rather charged emotionally about these issues....some interesting stuff for everyone to look at.

Land Expropriation without Compensation

Land Expropriation without Compensation - Response

Point of Regard:

Looks like a land grab for the government.

I don't think it's really about helping the poor. Seems more like justifying the need for government force to protect the people from each other by stimulating a very primitive and immature divide that goes back a long time. If anything this reflects poorly on South African Government.

Part of the reason there's so much poverty in Africa is because of Government corruption and poor levels of education.

With the rise of cryptocurrencies and open source fund raising, I speculate that South Africa and other countries which are regarded as "third world"...will in fact undergo a sort of flippening and become the emerging "bread baskets" in the world.

There will be peaks and valleys...just like the process journey of Bitcoin and Co..

The time is ripe with opportunity for venture capitalists and visionary entrepreneurs.

Let's let go of the past. Let's forgive the sins of our forefathers. Let's create a sort of "do over". Enough is enough with all the bullshit of the past.

Nobody here today was here way back when....we've just kind of carried on in various ways...justifying these kinds of "separations" as class's of people. It's immature. It's dumb. Reality is we are One species of Human. Like it or not, we are all here....time to get amicable about our co-existence.

Additional Info - Sourced on the issue:

CAPE TOWN — If ever you wanted to test your taste buds on a socialist land policy that is more twisted than a cholesterol-bomb koeksister, pray read on. Here Institute of Race Relations policy fellow, Terence Corrigan, unravels the economic health threat of the ANC’s recent endorsement of land expropriation without compensation. He then juxtaposes that with the insane historical and topical caveats sprinkled on this tempting populist treat. Caveats so nonsensical that one can only consider that the policy itself is – like Bob Mugabe’s use of it to entrench his dictatorship – is designed for abuse by an all-powerful state that can dispense of and expropriate land at will, rendering mostly its governors morbidly obese. We cannot afford the time it will take to kill off the major beneficiaries of this policy because it will starve the masses and impoverish the rest of us. Endangering food security for short-term political gain as a political elite continues on zig-zag Zuptoid course is nothing less than irrational. – Chris Bateman

Cheers to an Extraordinary 2018


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Great post, i was also following this development through Cerise's posts and then watched a few more videos about the topic. It was a bit scary to see how people are getting so emotionally charged and unable to see clearly how all this seeking for revenge is simply leading towards another time loop. I can understand that there is this energy build up through years of suppression and needs some play out, but yeah .... hopefully common sense wins in the end.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

action without thinking of the sense of humanity I think. but if we look at the theory of policy. sometimes there is a must memamh have to force. sorry if my opinion is wrong.

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wow....nice photography
your photography its amzing

upvote and resteem done

the flower is very beautiful.

agree Racesium still exists in south Africa. So sad we all know that africa is full of mineral resources but still due to corruption of government general public still struggling.great advice that they should adopt crypto revolution to change thr life style and standers.

great post. thank for sharing

Good informative post. Thanks for sharing.

only the innocent people suffer in the end due to the system of mind

Nice post and Good informative post. Thanks for sharing.